Chapter One

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'Right, our car is here to take us home Max' Alex informs me as he walks in to the living room, doing up his shirt.
'Tia is currently saying bye to her brother, we will meet her at the alpha house, then we going home, well come on, off the sofa you lazy bum' ughh he sounds so full of authority, I suppose that's my clue  to get up, I would hate to annoy Mr Alpha. Thankful I only brought one bag with me and that's all packed.
'It's fine Alex I am all packed ready to go' i tell him as I get of the sofa pointing to my packed rucksack. I know why he's on on edge, cause this is the first time since he's had Tia back she's been out of his sight. I grab my bag as I walk to the front door, straight aways Alex is right behind me, his shirt now done up and he's pulling along his case, trust him to have a fancy case instead of a rucksack he looks like a businessman, he's always taken this Alpha business so seriously, I bet half of the Alphas don't always dress in suits all the time. As we take the short walk to the Alpha's house, I have to ask Alex how it's feels to find his mate I've been waiting for what feels ages to ask him, but with all what was going on and him attached to Tia constantly, and now I have five minutes with him it feels the right time.
'So big brother, how does it feel?'
'Huh?' He looks at me confused, it wouldn't surprise me if he hadn't been listening to me at all, I roll my eyes.
'Now your found your mate?' He's face lights up and the mention of mate.
'Oh it's amazing, I can't bare to be away from her and everything has change now, nothing matters but her, and even you're less annoying now little brother' he says with a smile. He changed so much since he found Tia he just seems so much happier.
'Princess it's time to go' we've just arrived at the Alpha Lucas' house and straight away Alex is right behind Tia, his hands on her hips, honestly it makes me sick to see this type of affection from him.
'Oh it's it really, I can't believe this is it' Tia wipes her eyes,
'Oi sis you can come back anytime' alpha Lucas informs her.
'I know it's these damn hormones they are messing me up' she's says as she rubs her small baby bump.
'Just think you'll have a baby soon, and I'll be a proud uncle' Alpha Lucas says with pride in his voice.
'Mm we both will be proud uncles' I say to Lucas, I hate how everyone forgets me.
'Of course Max' Alex says giving me a dirty look, I can all ready tell he thinks I've shown him up in front of Alpha Lucas, my bad I'll be hearing about this when we arrive home.
'Time to go, our driver is getting impatient waiting for us' Alex announces.
'Goodbye Lucas please take care I'll visit when' Tia tells her brother.
'And I'll be in the front row for your Luna ceremony' Lucas says with a smile as he hugs her, Alex doesn't like this I can tell by his face.
'Goodbye Alpha Lucas' Alex says as he shakes his hand,
'Goodbye Alpha Alex, looks after my sister' Alpha Alex says as he shakes my hand,
'I'll protect her with my life' Alex says as he leads Tia and myself to the car.

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