Chapter Eight

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Lily-Mae POV

'Father I don't want to got to another new school, I hate being the new girl' this is technically our fifth new school in like six months. Father seems to think it's ok to keep moving us all over the country, he just don't seem to understand I want to be in one place not all over the place I make friends and then when I am finally settled he's moving us again, it's as if he don't want us to be happy. Father just can't seem find a job he's happy with, and even some jobs he gets turn away from straight away and those ones always seems to be the ones he is most excited about. Now this job he is completely buzzing about, even more so now he has it. As we get out the car I notice this guy approaching us, there something about him that makes me feel uneasy, I grab my father arm and pull on it.
'Father I don't see why we need to start a new school, I was quite happy with the last one we was at' father pulls his arm out of my grip,
'Now I've told you Lily this new job of mine is perfect so drop it now.' This creepy guy is stood outside the school with a smug look on his face, I would say a smile but it's more like a cocky smirk, he seems really intimidating and a lot of the kids walking pass him just put their heads down, but he handsome in a rugged sorted of way.
I watch as this guy turns to face my family, his eyes land on me and he looks angry, I try to break eye contact with him but I am unable to. The guy walks over to us I feel so uncomfortable, I see his lips move but I am unable to hear what he say, he reaches out and takes my fathers hand.
'Hi Doc, I am Max I am here to help you guys today' It seems as if he is sniffing us, I am paralysed with fear but I still can't take my eyes off this gorgeous stranger, ughhh now I am calling him gorgeous.
'Hi Max these are my children Lily May and Riley Jay' My father says to Max, Mac reaches out for Riley hand first then mind, when our hands touch I feel a slight tingling going up my arm, making me gasp, max must have heard me cos he softens his smile towards me. Did he feel it too?

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