Chapter Eighteen

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'Alex it isn't what is seems' Tia say to him
'He just said he loves you and has his arms on you' Alex growls back at Tia, his eyes turned darker, oh shit this isn't good.
'Cos I am helping him you dickhead' Tia moves away from me.
'Is this even my pup?' Oh wow shit is going to hit the fan!
'Oh my god why do people keep asking me this, I was only with u before my bloods was taken I was a virgin and you fucking know that shit' Tia shakes her head and sits on the sofa.
'So there are other who think this to?' Tia laughs
'Reject me and your pup then Mr Alpha... and as I hear you ain't so innocent' Tia looks so smug with herself.
'Me not innocent, I've never cheated on you' Alex now looks confused, I never full told Tia that he may have not slept with other I was never too sure.
'But their was others before me Alex' Alex opens his mouth, but I decide to intrup them and my neck is starting to hurt looking between them both.
'Enough of this, Tia isn't sleeping with me and that is definitely your pup, she's helping me I have an issue' Alex looks at me.
'What's the issue then? Why couldn't you come to me? I am your brother. Why are you troubling my pregnant mate?' He takes a step towards me.
'Oh now I am the pregnant mate, a minute ago I was sleeping around.' Alex gives her a guilty look.
'It's Lily' Alex's eyes widen and he turns to face me.
'Oh brilliant you've been fucking around with a human' Tia interrupts him.
'Alex please listen to him, before you jump to the wrong conclusion again, there a reason why he told me, and no he didn't come to me I picked up on something wrong with him and I push him to tell' Alex looks at Tia and nods.
'Ok continue I'll try and listen' Alex says, I take a deep breath and start.
'No I ain't fucking around with her, I feel a pull to her, I feel the mate bond with her'
'What!?!' Tia gives Alex a mucky look,
'This is why the doctor was here he's helping me, not Tia and the pup' Alex turns to Tia.
'This is why you wanted him here with you to discuss the issue, Tia baby I am sorry my wolf goes crazy when you are near another male and to hear you wanted another guy here when you saw the doctor killed him.' He reaches out to take her hand, which she snatches out of his reach.
'I am helping your brother, cos he don't feel comfortable with you and this is the thanks I get, I get accused by two, yes two people not one that our pup isn't yours, yet it should be you checking you don't have other pups out there' Tia screams.
'Yeah sorry bro my bad I may have let slip you wasn't a virgin when u meet her' I mindlink Alex.
'I'll deal with it we have bigger issues to deal with at the moment and in future know you can tell me anything cos this female of mine is crazy' Alex replies via mindlink, I just nod at him.
'So I am guessing the doctor fill you two in on something regarding the issue?' Alex says after a while to Tia.
'Yeah Max told me the doctor said to you both when you first meet him he knew about human mates and not chosen ones, so I had to meet him and get all the facts. But he's not hundred percent sure, but he does has a theory that cos Max's parents wasn't full mates, he kinda has two mates a wolf mate and a human mate, he wasn't sure what happens tho and he's going to look into' Tia explains.
'Mothers at fault here then' Alex's makes fists with his hand looking furious and heads towards the front door, Tia gets up and chases him I follow them both. Alex opens the door as Tia reaches him.
'Baby no one is at fault, the moon goddess just has a different plan for him compared to everyone one. You're mother and stepfather have done nothing wrong. You know the moon goddess has a plan from everyone. She gave me you at the right time in my life and I don't regret nothing, let Max make his mistakes baby it's all part of the plan.' Tia cuddles Alex, he lowers his fist and hugs her back.
'I love you more than everything in the world Alex just cos it not how you see things as normal doesn't mean it's wrong, everyone and I mean everyone deserve to be as happy as us' Alex nods and leans down to kiss Tia. I just love watching Tia calm Alex. And now I want Lily in my arms.

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