Chapter 32

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More lights flashed on overhead, illuminating the shadowed corners of the basement in fluorescent brightness. I noticed instantly from the new light that there were more kids in the room than I initially realised. There were about ten other children, of all varying ages and genders. There was one girl who looked at maximum eight years old and a few teenage boys including the ones that attacked me.

When Lisa looked up at me her features were tormented and filled with misery. My mouth was gaping open in disbelief at what was occurring. She wasn't spiteful or vengeful, she was filled with regret for kidnapping Blake and that just made me angrier.

"I never wanted you to find out about this," Lisa explained solemnly, wrapping her hands around her waist as if she was the one needing comfort.

The boys that I had incapacitated earlier were slowly rising groaning from the ground and stood just behind Lisa, almost protectively. I watched Billy with narrowed eyes as he rose from the ground, wiping his bloody lip and rearranging his glasses that had fallen from his eyes. He ran his elbow over his face and stood at his full height beside Lisa.

"What the hell is going on?" I barked at her, acrimony fuelled heat rising within me and twitching a vein in my neck.

"I never wanted to hurt you." She reached a hand out towards me but I flinched violently away from her. "Or Blake." Her soulful eyes moved to Blake who was still restrained to his chair, his hands raw and red from the blood that had dripped from the cuts he had made from yanking his hands against the rope that restrained him so desperately. Lisa's eyes hardened as she looked back to me, shining with certainty.

"But I have responsibilities," she declared, falling into another seat in defeat.

"What are you talking about?" I stomped my foot against the ground in frustration at not being able to move and punch her in the face like I wanted too. My eyes flashed towards the kids at the back of the room as the young girl, with long blonde hair walked up to Lisa lifting her up off the chair and hugged Lisa around the waist.

"These kids," she revealed curtly, gesturing her head to the children standing behind her. They were all standing there just watching our interaction in silence. A young boy with long ginger hair, so long it looked like he hadn't had a hair cut in years sat down on the floor. He could only be no older than ten years old, his eyes were fixated on the chains holding me and Blake down. A young child shouldn't be seeing something like this.

"Why are they even here Lisa?" I snapped; I didn't understand what was going on. She had never told me anything about these kids before.

"I never did tell you. But when I started at this school, I lied to everyone about my parents because I was ashamed. I just wanted to be normal for once," Lisa explained sombrely, her lips turning down at the corners. I couldn't help the rising anger that clenched my jaw together but also betrayal, I had known Lisa for four years and she never told me this at all. Our whole friendship was a lie.

"But I was from this orphanage, I didn't have parents that sent me to this school from overseas, I lived here. When I was fourteen, my only living relative that I didn't know I had died and I inherited his money. I had always dreamed of going to this school, but because I was an orphan I never could. But with the money I was able to afford boarding at the school." My hands were fists at my side, barely containing my bitterness at her deceit. But not just that, I was hurt that she couldn't trust me with this secret of hers, I thought we were best friends.

"And it was wonderful, I made so many friends. But the orphanage kids would always be my true family, I came back to see them all every night." Lisa stroked the hair of the young girl that was still hanging off her, she was hugging Lisa like she was her mother. She was looking up at Lisa with complete adoration on her face, she wouldn't know the evil that Lisa has done. 

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