Chapter 28

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I tentatively knocked on Blake's door with shaky hands. The sterile white corridors of the mental health department were making me feel on edge. I exhaled a quavering breath, which shook due to my nerves. I hadn't seen Blake for almost six weeks and I wasn't expecting to feel this nervous. We haven't spoken face to face since we both bared our souls and told each other that we loved each other. After we sat in the rain hugging on the bench under the pagoda for almost ten minutes Blake's nurse had found us and pretty much dragged Blake back up to his hospital room.

I left him with his parents and that evening Blake went into a mental health rehabilitation program that went for twelve weeks. I have been allowed to see Blake for a few hours for the first time in way too long. Blake and I have been texting and calling but it's not the same as seeing each other in person. And I didn't know how we were going to be with each other when all we used to do before was argue, it was going to be a whole different dynamic. There was also a part of me that was terrified that Blake was going to push me away again.

The white door swung open with a creek and there he was, standing there calmly with a smile on his features that was almost a smirk, standing in all his glory. My heart skipped a beat when I saw his face, with his dark scruffy hair still sticking at all angles around his head and high cheekbones on his slightly chubby cheeks and lanky limbs. 

My chest burst in happiness at seeing him and without thinking I flung myself into his arms. His body jolted as my momentum struck his body but he quickly stabilised us by placing his hands around my waist. He squeezed me tightly into him and placed his mouth into my neck. We stayed there for a few moments and for the first time in six weeks it felt like I could breathe again.

"Well it's nice to see you too," Blake spoke with a chuckle in his voice.

I cupped his face in my hands and stared into his eyes. I noticed that the usual dark circles that hung around his eyes had faded and his skin has regained some colour into his cheeks, he looked well.

"You look good," I commented releasing his beautiful face from my hold and smiled up at him widely, unable to contain how happy this made me. Blake grinned back at me and his smile knocked the breath out of me, it was so rare.

"I know, my elderly nurse has been saying that to me as well, I know how to charm all the ladies," Blake joked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that fell onto my lips due to his joking mood. I don't know what I was expecting when I saw him but I was worried that he would be depressed and not wanting to see me or talk to me.

"How are you?" I asked tentatively, apprehensive to bring up the elephant in the room, the reason why he was here in the first place.

"Better now you are here." Blake wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. My breath hitched, from him being so close and so affectionate with me, I wasn't used to it. "I haven't seen such a pretty sight in six weeks."

My cheeks reddened at his words but I scoffed them off, refusing to allow him to see just how happy they made me.

"Wow, I'm shocked, I have never seen you try to be charming before," I teased pushing him away from me so he stepped back into the doorway.

"You are going to be astounded by just how charming I can be." He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm.

"I'll believe it when I see it." I crossed my hands over my chest but internally my heart was stuttering.

"Well Miss Rose, would you like to go on a lovely walk around the hospital gardens with me?" Blake asks gesturing his elbow out.

I slipped my elbow through his, grinning up at him. "I'd love too, Mr Charmer."

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