Chapter 3

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I breathe out a sigh of relief when I close the front door behind me as I finally arrive home. But that didn't last long.

"Rose I need to speak with you," my mother yells from the other room. I groan and hit my head onto the front door before I walk over to her grumpily. I follow the sound of her voice to find her in her study where she works from home. The room used to be my sisters bedroom but after she moved out my mum converted it into a study and started working from home. But since Blake is coming to live with us now mum asked her work if she could work from the office again which they accepted. 

Mum was sitting on the floor sorting through all her paper work. She was cleaning out the room, as this was where our new housemate was going to stay. I wasn't particularly excited to have a random guy staying in our house for who knows how long but mum said that I didn't have a say in this. The guys name is Blake and he is my mother's best friends son who live in a state over to us. I have met Jessie before as she comes over every few years but she has never brought her family over as she has seven kids. 

Mum said that Jessie her best friend couldn't control Blake anymore and didn't know what to do anymore so my mum offered to take him in. This is because Blake is a delinquent; he has been to jail too many times to count and keeps hanging out with people in gangs. My mother thinks that maybe taking him completely out of that environment and into a safe one will help him. But really she just thinks that she can force our beliefs onto him about god and thinks that god will save him. My family is extremely religious and we all deeply believe in god. But I know for a fact that you can't force your own beliefs onto others.

"Hey mum, what's up?" I grin at her as I watch her try to tame back her wildly curly hair that has spilled out from her hair tie.

"This room doesn't look very bedroom like," I comment as I look around to see that all my mother's furniture was still intact around the room and the bed wasn't set up at all. My mother took the day off work today to set up the room as a bedroom for Blake. My mum sets down her paperwork in her hands and turns around to face me with a solemn expression on her face. Immediately I feel my heart sink.

"I have some bad news," she declares as she rises from the floor and sits in her office chair.

"Oh no, what?" I ask with a flat look.

"My boss called today and told me that the office space isn't available anymore, I have to wait another 3 months," she admits with down cast eyes. I feel my mouth fall open and my eyes go as wide as saucers.

"What?" I stutter in shock.

"I'm sorry but Blake won't be able to stay in here," she explains in a column tone.

"So where is he going to stay then?" I ask in confusion. She looks up at me from under her eyelashes guiltily.

"I set up the dividing wall in your room again," she announces. I feel my heart sink to the floor as I take in her words and panic suck all the air out of my lungs. 

"WHAT?" I yell in outrage. "That means he will have to go through my room to get to his and he is a boy." The dividing wall meant that my room had just been halved and the other half was another bedroom, she must have moved all my stuff! 

All my mother does it move her eyes away from mine.

"I know that and I trust you. I wouldn't do this if I didn't trust you completely. I don't want to have to do this either but its the only choice we have. I can't ask him to sleep on the coach and I can't ask you to give up your room," she admits intently. I refused to believe it.

"But it's my room." I yell as the panic starts to turn into anger.

"I'm sorry but we don't have any other option," she declares apologetically. There was no point in arguing with my mother once she has made up her mind she doesn't change it. I slap my hands onto my thighs in anger and storm out of the room.

I walk into my room to find that my mother has moved everything in my room around and taken down my posters all over the wall. She has placed sliding divider through the middle of the room again so it was split into two seperate individual rooms and this was how my room used to be before my sister moved to college. Blake and I still had our own seperate rooms but it meant that Blake would need to walk through my room to get to his. 

I try to ignore the feeling of betrayal of my mother doing this to me without asking me and put it to the back of my mind. I take a quick shower and walk into my bedroom feeling a lot better than before. Maybe this won't be so bad. I place on in a nice summer dress as we were having a dinner for the arrival of Blake. I put on a brave face and hide everything I was feeling inside as I join mum in the kitchen to help her with the cooking.

"How are you feeling?" Mum asks softly and as I look up from chopping the carrots I see that she is staring right at me. I fake a smile.

"I'm okay, I will get used to it," I say.

"I hope so and if it gets too much just tell me okay? Even though I said I will take care of this boy, you are my first priority," mum reassures me warmly as she takes my cheeks in her hands.

"I will, thanks mum."

"You are the best daughter in the world," she declares with a grin as she kisses my forehead.

"I know," I smile widely up at her.

"I can finish this off, you relax. Blake and Jessie will be here soon," she suggested. I place down the knife and let her finish off the food. She was always the better cook anyways. I walk a few steps over to our couch and flop down. I cuddle up to a pillow and turn on our small TV. I start watching a show and lose myself in the story. I was still engrossed in the drama when I hear the doorbell ring. For some reason I feel my heart jump in my chest in nervousness. I guess now it was time to meet the boy that will be sleeping in my room with me.

"Rose, can you get the door please?" Mum yells from the kitchen.

"Sure," I reply and drag myself up from the couch. I walk to the front door with my heart pounding crazily in my chest and I didn't know why. I reach up my shaky hand to the door and open it while holding my breath. I am instantly greeted with Jessie's beautiful smiling face. She always has been beautiful with dark long hair and a stunning smile.

"Hi Rose, it's so wonderful to see you again," she greeted me warmly. Jessie was in her late fourties, the same age as my mother but with her greying black hair and multiple frown lines she looked much older. She looked like she has aged ten years since the last time I saw her, which was only a year ago, her wrinkles had caused her eyes to droop and her mouth be set in a permanent frown. 

"Hello Jessie, it's great to see you too," I smile back.

"This is my eldest son Blake," Jessie introduces and moves out the way to reveal someone I was not expecting to see. My mouth falls open as I stare wide-eyed at the boy from the motorbike. It couldn't be, could it? He seemed just as shocked to see me but then after he recovered from that shock his expression turned into a deadly glare.

 Oh no.

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