Chapter 15

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"Do you think her head can get any bigger?" Billy Lee piked up from beside me in math class. We both swivelled our head to scrutinise Sarah as she laughed at her own joke, about me.

"I like to this she is part rhinoceros," I agreed.

"More like giant whale," he returned with a sly grin. I laughed but it was strained. I was still aware of the restrictive pulling of my chest down onto my lungs. Sarah's taunting words hurt more than I cared to admit, echoing in my mind, "You will never be good enough for Blake." They hurt because I knew they were true.

It was only when my laugh died down did I realise that the whole room had gone silence, and everyone heard the end part of our discussion. Sarah was glaring a whole into the back of Billy's head. Dread washed through me, he was in for it now just because he was trying to make me feel better.

But the silence was broken by Talia in a nonchalance tone, but still staring at me as she said it.

"So how many people are invited to your party Sarah?"

I sighed, they were rubbing it in my face, the fact that a year ago I was the one who was organising the party with Sarah and now I am not even invited. Her party was this Saturday night and I knew this because it was all everyone has been talking about all week, I was sick of hearing the details and was glad it was the end of the week. 

"Most of the school, everyone except the freaks," Sarah spat as she directed her gaze toward me. I refused to display any emotion on my face as I stared toward the front of the class, begging in my mind for the teacher to hurt up and start the session already.

When they realised their words were having no effect on me they moved to Billy, a new target.

"Billy, would you like to go to my party?" Sarah asked sweetly but I saw the deception behind them, the evil intentions. My eyes narrowed toward the front of the room in suspicious, this invitation couldn't be good. Billy was a shy computer nerd with black hair and Asian descent that liked to spend most of his time in the computer lab, but we had been put together for lab partners multiple times, so we were on speaking terms.

"No sorry, I don't want to be around inconsiderate bullies." He spoke back pushing his glasses higher on his head, completely unaware that he was just provoking Sarah. My mouth fell open at his blatant words. 

That's it, I have decided, I like Billy. I was tossing between if I liked him or not, given he can be very annoying when he follows Lisa around like a lost puppy. He boards with her at the school and is in love with her. She doesn't have the heart to tell him she wasn't interested so I have to deal with his awkward presence at lunch's sometimes but now he was in my good books. 

"Excuse me, what did you just call me you little shit?" Sarah squeaked in outrage.

"No wonder you don't have any friends," She spat viscously. Billy's eyes turned wide in horror at her words and I saw him bite the inside of his cheek. 

"Hey," interjected a voice, one I knew all too well. Blake. "Back off Sarah." He stepped in front of Billy as he crossed his hands over his chest in defiance, I glanced up to him to find his expression overtaken with anger. His hands were balled into fists in his shirt and his jaw was clenched shut. No one had even noticed Blake enter the room as our attention was focused on the drama unfolding before us.

"What has he done to you?" Blake snapped, his eyes narrowed in outrage.

Sarah just glared back at him but didn't have the guts to talk back to Blake. With his leather jacket, tattooed arm and arrogant persona even I was afraid to talk back to him. But I have realised recently that he isn't this bad boy who doesn't care about anyone he actually is a kind hearted guy who just doesn't like seeing bullying. 

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