Chapter 30

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I swirled my hand across the page like a mad woman in my attempt to complete my IT exam before the bell rang. I glanced around the rest of the room to see mostly everyone else in the exam were in the same position as me. 

It had been another six weeks since I last saw Blake and as long as it felt being away from Blake, I had been kept busy studying for my end of year exams. Today was my final one and my eyes had bags hanging around them from all the study that I had been doing the last few weeks. I was finding it difficult to concentrate for my exam today because today was the day that Blake was going to be released from his twelve-week intensive mental health program at the hospital. 

He was coming home today; I was going to see him again. I dropped the pen from my hand when the final bell rang signalling the end of the exam and I breathed out a sigh of relief, I was done. Lisa met me outside of the exam room after we had finished and she looked just as rattled as me.

"I wish that I was a porcupine," I groaned, running my hands down my face.

Lisa raised her eyebrows, "I see the appeal, just grow your hair out on your legs and live in the forest for the rest of your life and you could pass as one."

"It's really great to know that you think it's possible for me to pass as a porcupine," I grumbled and Lisa laughed.

"Did you finish the exam?" She asked, after a laughing fit.

"Nope, my brain stopped working an hour in," I explained.

"Feels," Lisa agreed, tilting her head to the side and breathing out heavily. I glanced at her fully for the first time today to see that she had bruises under her eyes as well and was moving slower than normal. She looked absolutely exhausted, I knew how much she studied for exams, she was worse than me with being a studying maniac. 

"How have you been? Do you want to go for some ice cream? We deserve it after that horror," I offered with a lopsided smile, trying to cheer her up. Actually, I needed cheering up as well.

"I'd love to but I am helping plan the orphanage fundraiser this afternoon," she declined with apologetic eyes.

"Oh, that's right," I remembered clicking my fingers together. Lisa was a border at the school so she is friends with a lot of the kids that used to be a part of the orphanage. They are holding a fundraiser so they can open up another orphanage in the area as so many kids have resorted to living on the streets in the area because they didn't want to go into the foster system and now don't have anywhere to live.

"You will be there won't you?" Lisa asked hopefully. 
"Yes, definitely, it's, tomorrow right?" I had to wrack my memory to remember, I had completely forgotten.

"Yeah," she smiled and I made a promise to myself that I would be there no matter what is going on in my life, I have been neglecting my best friend lately because of Blake and studying.

After parting with Lisa, I drove back home in the pouring rain, my windscreen wipers speeding past my vision to keep the rain from obstructing my sight. Each minute I drove closer to home I became more and more nervous. Blake will be there when I got home, he will be waiting for me. 

My fingers tapped on the steering wheel as I imagined how the reunion will go, would Blake kiss me and hug me like he did in his hospital room all those weeks ago? Or would he be cold again? That was my biggest fear that something would happen that would make him push me away again. But I had to trust him and trust that he was sincere when he said he loved me; he wouldn't want to hurt me again.

My heart started speeding up when I turned onto my street and then was hammering by the time, I pulled into my drive way. I took a deep breath to steady my breathing and calm myself down, it's only Blake. I opened the front door with shaky hands and slowly peaked around the house trying to find him. He wasn't in the kitchen or living room so he must be in our room. The door was open so I softly pushed my way through, my heart soaring in anticipation of seeing him. But my stomach sunk when I saw that he wasn't in our room. 

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