Chapter 11

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Loud yelling brought me out of my book. A boot stamping the floor shook the wooden slates below my feet. More yelling and a door slamming were heard before complete silence. I pulled up my onesie over my ears, so I couldn't hear the dispute happening in my house and returned to reading my bible. Low breathing worked its way into my consciousness and I knew there was someone in front of me. I glanced up to see Blake frozen mid stride starting at me from the doorway. 

My breath caught in my throat from seeing his eyes boring so intently into my face that I jumped, and my heart leapt in my chest. Blake realised his mistake instantly and shook his head as he stormed into the room. My neck and cheeks heat up as I think about what Blake must have seen, me rugged up in my cat onesie with an actual cat hood, surrounded in blankets and stuffed animals while reading my bible. I wasn't expecting to see him here as he hadn't returned home for a day since he dropped me off in the woods.

But Blake doesn't seem to take any notice of me as he stormed around the room with a sneer on his expression. Those yells must have been my mother and Blake fighting over the fact that he hadn't returned for over 24 hours. I shivered to think what strict punishment she had dished out, it was bound to be harsh. He pulled out his suitcase from underneath his bed. I noticed as he did so a small piece of paper fell out of his pocket, my eyes followed it as it drifted to the floor. It faced downwards and the top was covered in a dark colour like it was a few years old. 

I grabbed it from the floor, it was close enough to me that I didn't need to stand up. But as I flipped it over for the one second it was in my hand, it then disappeared as Blake snatched it back from out of my hands. I glanced up at him in outrage. He hid it in my pocket again and then returned to scrummaging through his suitcase like nothing just happened. 

"Your mother just gave me a curfew of 9 o'clock every night and now I have to go to church with you freaks every Sunday!" He slammed the suitcase on the bed, I flinched away from him. His words hitting a vulnerable place in my heart.

"You do deserve it," I replied flatly barely containing my anger. My hands were shaking so I closed my bible and placing it softly on the ground next to me. The glare he shot over his shoulder at me nearly made me sink back into my onesie.

"I need to go to Freddie's tonight and now because of your mother I can't, so therefore I am leaving this place." I rose from my position on the floor and I yanked my onesie off in annoyance.

"Good riddance," I replied harshly. His eyes snapped to mine like I had shot him. "You know we don't want to have you here you, causing all this disarray and arguments, our lives are already hard enough without you here ruining what little peace we have at home. My mother only took you in to help you. You can be a bit more respectful to her and me." I slammed my onesie on the floor and stormed out the room, if I stayed in there to hear his reply I probably would have done something I regretted.

I made sure to stay away from Blake all day at school just in case he said something again that set me off. I was strict to not allow my eyes to gravitate towards him like they usually did but as I reached lunch time I was losing resolve. Especially when I noticed Blake walk over to Sarah's table and sit down next to her.

I peaked at Blake from over the top of my school papers. He was sitting with Sarah and her friends, along with Dean and Liam. Blake was sitting next to Sarah and they were laughing and talking like he never said those words to her about defending me. It was like I was no longer even here or had a heart which felt like it was crumbling in my chest from seeing him with her, befriending her. I felt betrayed by him and I didn't know why. I had no right to feel betrayed, he was never mine to start off with.

"I will see you tonight at Freddie's" Sarah grinned to Blake and then hugged him before walking off with her girlfriends.

"Do you think I should wear a zinc breast to the dance?" I hear in my peripheral senses bringing my out of my thoughts. I was bewildered for a second, did I hear that right?

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