Chapter 22

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I flinched when I heard the safety of the gun click off and felt the cold stab of the gun being pressed harder into my temple. My muscles were frozen into immobilisation as I knew if I made one wrong move then I could be dead in a second. I needed the bikie distracted so I could use my self-defense techniques on him.

Blake's expression had morphed into one of pure horror, his eyes were wide, and he gasped in panic.

"Please don't hurt her," Blake begged, his body becoming limp in the bikies grip as he lost the desire to fight back. The bikies were now holding his body weight and they released him throwing him with a frustrated grunt causing Blake to fall to the floor on his knees with a crash.

"I will do anything you want, anything." His eyes were pleading, and his tone had changed into a beseech.

From behind me I heard the bikie laugh at Blake's begging, his head was lowered, and his hands were clutching the ground for support.

"Anything you say, will you stand there and allow me to shoot you? So now you can know how it feels to be helpless, chained to someone else wishes," the bikie behind me mocked. A light entered Blake's dead eyes for a moment and he raised his head.

"Yes, do anything to me. Just don't hurt her," he agreed with urgency. But what frightened me more was not the thought of Blake being shot but by the way he had no fear in his eyes of it, like being shot was nothing to him.

"Well since you asked so kindly." He bikie spluttered out a humorous roar of laughter loving having Blake begging.

The bikie holding me released the gun from my temple to aim it at Blake. I noticed him aim for Blake's foot and a stream of horror filled me just as he pulled down on the trigger. I knew that this was my time to fight back when he was only holding me by one hand, I elbowed him in the stomach and swung out of his hold. Just as I did I used my other hand to knock the gun out of the grip of the bikie. But I was too late the gun still fired with a mighty bang.

My face dropped in terror at the thought of Blake being shot but when I glanced to him with panicked eyes, he looked straight back with no pain in them. There was a yell of agony to his right and I skipped my eyes over to the see that the other bikie had been shot in the foot. I released a deep breath as I realised that he missed Blake because I knocked the gun out of his hands.

Now I was free from the hold of the bikie I quickly lunged for the gun that now laying on the floor. The bikie seemed to be in shock that he just shot his friend, so it was easy when I rose from the ground and swung the gun into his face. I slapped him in the face with the hilt of the gun causing his body to spin and flail to the floor. His body crashed to the floor with a nightly yelp of agony from him and he didn't get back up again. I kicked him just to make sure and when he didn't move a muscle I reverted my attention straight back to Blake.

Blake was no longer restrained as one of the bikies was now crouched on the floor howling in pain clutching his foot. The other bikie Blake had incapacitated and he was now was lying on top of the bikie who wasn't shot plummeting him with punch after punch. The guy Blake was punching was bleeding from his nose which lay crooked, broken and curled into a ball, as he couldn't fight back from an enraged Blake. 

I held the gun tucked into my side but still in my grip, so I could use it if desperately needed as I ran to Blake. His face was overtaken with fury, his lips were pulled back into a sneer as he hurt the guy before him without any sympathy. 

When I reached Blake, I dropped to my knees beside him and I wrapped my hand around his wrist just as he was about to take another punch. His fist jerked in my grip, but I held strong and Blake's eyes snapped to mine. A jolt ran through my veins when our eyes met, I saw his pupils were dilated through the balaclava, making him not look like Blake at all.

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