Chapter 4

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"You," I breathe out accusingly, so low it was almost a whisper but he heard me. His eyes flash in warning and he shakes his head slightly. He didn't want his mother to know that I had run into him on a motorbike. He doesn't even give me a hello and storms straight past me into the house, his shoulder knocking into mine sending me stumbling back a few steps. I was left staring after him with my mouth hanging open in shock. How dare he come into my house and treat me like the dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

As he marches into my house like he already owns the place I feel reality start crashing down on me. This could not be happening; this boy that hates my guts is going to be living with me for the next who knows how long and in my bedroom! That thought nearly made me pass out from all the blood that rushed to my head. My stomach flipped with nausea to think I was going to have to share my bedroom with this guy who hates me for no apparent reason.

I had to take a deep breath to contain my anger before I glanced back up to Jessie. She had an apologetic expression on her face as she looked after Blake.

"I'm so sorry about him, he isn't good with pleasantries," she offered as an excuse to his actions but I knew better. Blake didn't like me, in fact I was sure he hated me and we were going to live together. I run my hands down my face and try to compose myself.

"It's okay, would you like to come inside?" I ask with a small smile on my face. Jessie looks at me in thanks and takes her coat off her shoulders before placing it on the coat hanger just inside the door. I lead Jessie into our kitchen to find that Blake was already standing by the back window with one leg popped up on the wall behind him and both hands crossed across his chest. He had a deep scowl on his face as he looked away intently out the window as if he longed to be out there and not in here with us.

I stared at him, studying him now that I finally could see him in the light and get a good look at him. He looked exactly as his personality portrayed him as. He had dark brown hair that looked almost black that sat shaggily over the front of his forehead and some strands fell over his eyes. Although it was scruffy looking, it seemed like he had spent a good amount of time in front of the mirror trying to perfect that look. 

He wore black jeans, a dark brown fleece shirt with long sleeves and a black leather jacket over the top with the hood pulled up. I could see the end of a tattoo on one of his arms as it peaked out at the end of his sleeve, giving me reason to think he had many more tattoos over his body. He was tall, taller than I had thought when we were in the woods, his head almost didn't fit through our small doorframes. 

Overall, he gave off a dark and ominous demeanour, he was the type of person I would go out of my way to avoid on the street. There was one thing I couldn't deny, Blake was good looking, beyond good looking. From just looking at him for this long sends my heart beating faster in my chest and I didn't know why.

"Jessie, Blake it's so good to see you both," my mother announces as she walks into the room with a wide grin on her face. My attention is diverted to her, happy for the distraction to look away from Blake who was starting to monopolise my thoughts.

"Anna!" Jessie grins and hugs my mother fiercely. They pull apart and Jessie turns to Blake who was still looking away into the distance.

"This is my son, Blake," Jessie declares as she faces Blake, as she does I notice the smile drop from her lips and a wariness enter her eyes. My mother's smile doesn't falter.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Blake, I hope you will enjoy your stay here," my mum beamed. Blake finally pulls his attention away from the window to face my mother and just nods back at her. I feel my hands turn into fists at my side at his disrespect towards my mother. His standoffish behaviour doesn't seem to face my mum.

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