Chapter 23

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I scanned my math notes for the hundredth time and still no information wanted to stay in my head. I sighed and slammed my hands down onto the lunch room table, dropping my head into my hands. There is no way that I am going to be able to take in this information before my math test next period, I only had the rest of lunch to prepare for the test and it was stressing me out. I still hadn't seen Blake since he walked out of my room after I was in the hospital and I was constantly worrying about him, so much so that I couldn't study. 

Suddenly I felt a hand rest on my head and the shock of it made my heart jump in my veins. I jumped up, my whole body jolting as I snapped my head up to see who was touching me.

Lisa was looking down at me with her eyebrows pinched together in worry as she pushed her dark wavy fringe out of her eyes.

"How are you?" She asked solemnly. I could see the concern in her eyes, my lack of sleep must have been apparent on my features.

"Terrified now thanks," I evaded trying to cover up the fact that I was actually in fact not okay.

"Sorry," she laughed, sitting down across the lunch bench from me in the cafeteria. 

"How are you?" I asked her in return. 

"Busy," she sighed, collapsing her head onto the table. "It's taking all my extra time organising this orphanage fundraiser in a few months." Lisa was so dedicated to helping the kids that didn't find homes when the orphanage next to our school shut down. I know her room mate was a previous orphan from there and half of them ended up boarding at the school, the other half I am pretty sure are homeless. It's sad, I'm glad Lisa was doing something about it. 

"But seriously, how are you? You look like you haven't had any sleep for the last 10 years at least," Lisa frowned when she looked at me more closely. 

I ran my hands down my face and sighed loudly. "I'm just stressed, everything that is going on with Blake and our exams coming up soon, I'm just struggled to handle it all." Lisa placed her hand onto mine and her comforting familiar touch was able to relax me.

"It's a lot Rose, do you need any help with your studying?" She nodded her head down towards my study notes that I had read through ten times but didn't retain any information.

"That would actually be great, thank you Lisa," I smiled at her and we began working through the horrid exercises which helped me focus. Billy Lee joined our table when he saw that we were doing homework and started making conversation with Lisa, he was helping out with the orphanage fundraiser. I glanced at Lisa with a smirk on my lips and a knowing look and she gave me a death stare back. I returned to my work while they chatted.  

After a few minutes of working away productively I was brought out of my concentration by a slamming of the cafeteria door that resided close to our table. I snapped my head up at the sound and when I saw who had walked through the door my heart stopped. Dread washed through my veins, like a wildfire, the feeling so devastating and cataclysmic it felt like it would knock me to the ground.

Blake walked through the door first closely followed by Sarah and they were laughing like they were the best of friends. But it wasn't just that sight that had me gasping for air but the sight of Blake with his arms around Sarah's best friend, Talia's shoulders and around her neck, his fingers laced through hers. He turned his amused gaze from Sarah down to the girl in his arms and smiled softly at her as he whispered in her ear, his lips running along her skin. Talia ogled up at him giggling, completely taken under his spell.

My own eyes were wide as I gaped at them together, barely believing what I was seeing, it couldn't be true. Blake wouldn't do that to me. In that moment as Blake's lips were on her skin his eyes flickered up from her to look straight at me. 

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