Chapter 35

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"You died that day Rose," a voice spoke to me. A voice I would recognise anywhere. My world was black and muggy and I couldn't think but I could hear him. It was like I wasn't awake but I could hear him in the darkness of my dream. Blake.

"For ten agonising seconds you were dead, but they brought you back to life," he continued. His tone was empty, emotionless like he was speaking but there was no life in his voice.

"Now you have been in a coma for two months and I'm starting to worry that I won't ever see you again, that you won't wake up ever again." I heard a choking, a sob and then silence.

"The doctors are worried about this too; they are advising your mum to start considering turning off your life support." There was heavy quick breathing, a chair scraping across the floor and then a crash.

"I'm afraid I won't have much time left with you Rose," he agonised, his painful words spoken from further away but it didn't stop me from hearing the agony in his voice.

"I don't know how to live without you, I don't know if I can fight through that pain too." The voice was closer again so I heard it hitching with a cry. I felt my heart pump heavily in my chest.

"You have to fight, just like how I asked you to fight before. You need to fight harder than ever. I need you to come back to me." His voice was stronger than before, pleading like his life depended on it.

"I don't know if I can keep going without you." I knew instantly what he meant; he was going to kill himself if I didn't wake up. I needed to wake up. I tried to wake up but it was like fighting against a non-moving wall of black clouds. But I pushed, imagining him, his eyes, remembering the pain I felt when he was gone. I can't lose him again, I can't. I fought against the numbness and fought against my pitch-black reality. For days, for hours, for the never-ending amount of time I fought. 

At some point the fog began to clear and I felt something, a warmth in my fingers. I latched onto that and fought holding onto that feeling, I knew that feeling, it was the embrace of Blakes skin in my own. Latching onto his touch it became easier to fight against the shadowed obsidian and I held onto his hand with all my strength left. At some point during my struggles I felt him squeeze back.

"Rose?" I heard Blake's voice, filled with hope, with love.

It was easy after that to fight against it, knowing that he was there and eventually the blackness gave way and my eyes opened into a fluorescent light blaring down from the ceiling, blinding me. I squinted against the light, fluttering my eyelids closed.

"Come back to me please," Blake begged and I felt a droplet of water drip onto my hand. "Please wake up." His words were all I needed to fight against the weight holding down my head. I opened my eyes fully against the painful light and Blake's beautiful face came into view. I saw his black scruffy hair first; it was longer than the last time I saw it and much more untamed. 

His blue eyes became wide as saucers as he saw me open my eyes and just the sight of his beautiful eyes knocked the breath out of me. They were ringed with red and he had dark bruises underneath his eyes, like he was sleep deprived and had been crying.

"Rose?" Blake questioned, his voice croaking with the tears he had spilt but increasing in volume with elation.

"Hey," I spoke, but it was so quiet I could barely hear it, it seemed that my voice didn't remember how to work. Tears welled in Blake's eyes and they spilt over in disbelief as he threw his body at me, hugging me tightly.

"Rose, my Rose," he cried as he clutched my face between both of his hands. He just stared into my eyes for a very long period of time. My eyebrows pinched together when I noticed how tired he looked, but not just tired, he looked unwell.

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