Chapter 13

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Jack retaliated swinging his fist into Blake's chin with an uppercut, causing blood to drip from Blake's mouth. Blake's hold slackened, releasing Jack and he stumbled a moment before gaining his balance. Then Blake shoved Jack in the chest with both hands pushing him back into the table. His legs whacked into the table with a sickening crunch. Jack's face contorted in pain, but he didn't stay down for long, he was back up in seconds.

"You little shit," Jack grumbled as he jumped onto Blake. My heart leapt in my chest in fear as Jack wrapped a hand around Blake's head. But Blake easily kicked Jack on the stomach and he rolled over in agony, gasping for breath.

Blake was furious, his hands were shaking by his side as his whole body racked with tremors of anger and his eyes were narrowed into slits as he glared at Jack. But what I noticed most clearly was the glassy and unfocused look Blake had in his eyes and the way he stumbled to the right before he returned a punch to Jack, he was drunk.

I placed my hands over my mouth as I watched the scene before me with wide fear filled eyes. Other people started crowing around the commotion to see what was occurring. Some were chanting out encouragement to fuel the fight. I didn't know what to do.

"You coward, you are going to pay for what you did to her," Blake growled, his face wrathful as he grabbed Jack around the waist and slammed him to the floor. Blake straddled Jack and started to repeatedly punch him in the face. Blood was streaming down from Jack's nose and was bent at an odd angle.

"Stop them," Sarah screamed from behind the table, anxiety written clearly on her face. She was watching Jack with horror arching her brows. She was yelling for someone to stop Blake hurting her boyfriend. But she didn't need to yell as Jack was able to twist under Blake's grip and switched their positions. Blake's motions had become too slow and he couldn't retaliate from Jack's punch due to his lack of perceptions from the alcohol streaming through his veins. Jack now had the upper hand.

He grabbed Blake's hair and beat his head into the floor, a crunch echoed from his head. Blake's eyes glazed, and his features twisted from the impact. He took a moment to catch his breath but then he rolled out from under Jack and rose to his feet, as did Jack. They faced each other about to attack once again but I noticed Blake's features. His eyes were scrunched up in pain and he swayed on his feet. 

Just from seeing that look on Blake's face I knew I couldn't watch Blake being hurt a moment longer. I didn't care if I was hurt getting involved. I ran from the outskirts of the circle that had formed around the fight and grabbed Blake by the shoulders just as he had grabbed Jack by the scuff of his shirt.

"Stop," I yelled at Blake. His eyes flickered off Jack and settled on mine. His eyes were dilated, and jaw was clenched. I noticed the large lump already formed on his head.

"I am fine, stop," I encourage, looking deeply into his eyes and placed my hand onto his heart. It was pounding underneath my hand. His eyes slowly returned to their ocean blue colour and finally he released Jack. He fell to the floor.

"Get me out of here," Blake breathed and the pain in his voice was palpate causing my chest to break open. As much as I was angry and horrified by what he had done tonight there was a part of me that was tugging at me to help him.

I placed my hand into Blake's and tried to yank him away. It took a few tries but finally he grabbed ahold of my hand and he allowed me to tow him away.

Sarah fell to the floor beside Jack, placing her hands onto his face trying to wipe the blood off his face. I turned away as I pulled Blake through the thickening crowd. We rammed our way through the crowd until we exited the building near the back entrance. But just before I lead Blake out I heard Lisa call my name from behind me. I turned around to see her panicked expression as she ran to me.

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