Chapter 14

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Hello my lovely readers. I just wanted to place a trigger warning for those who are sensitive to anything relating to self harm as this chapter has references to self harm. Please skip this chapter if so and everyone else enjoy the chapter! :)x 


"And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins," the reverend announced. My eyes moved over to Blake who was seated next to me with downturned eyes as he flicked through his phone. He wasn't even listening to what the reverend was saying. He had been in a mood all morning ever since my mother forced him to come to church with us, which we attend every Sunday.

I sighed in disappointment, he could really take some good from being here, but he was so focused on not caring about the world to allow himself to be emerged into it. With my mouth downturned I focused my attention back to the reverend for the rest of the session.

But that was hard as Blake kept fidgeting every few minutes, he would pull at the cuff of his shirt, so it would cover his wrist and then he would yank then back up again with a sigh from the heat. These movements wouldn't normally affect me, but I was only realising now just how hyper aware I am of Blake's movements, I knew it was because I cared about what he did, what he thought. I balled my hands into fists at my side annoyed at myself, there was no way Blake would ever like me back.

Especially after Friday night, where I made sure to wake him up every hour to make sure he was okay from his concussion. Which lead to a very unpleasant night filled with little sleep. But I didn't mind as I had a feeling that seeing all this violence today would make my nightmares especially bad. The only thank you in return I received from him in the morning was a right old unpleasant cold attitude and warning for me to stay away from him again. He hasn't spoke to me since Friday night and it had started to affect me.

But I was brought out of these hurtful thoughts about him when I noticed something on his wrist when he pulled his scruffs up to his elbows. Red cuts. They ran all the way down his wrist in random patterns, some were whiter than others which were red raw.

My blood turned to ice as a cold dread washed through me. That couldn't be what I think it could be could it? Does Blake cut himself?

Due to my shock I had moved my body closer to his wrists to try and get a better look, but I wasn't thinking about how obvious I was being. He yanked his shirt cuff down forcefully which hid his scars, sending a shock through me and I flinched back. I glanced up to him to see his glare burning into me with a deadly intensity. 

My stomach flipped, and my heart started pounding faster in my chest but in fear this time. I quickly averted my gaze and with a rigid posture made sure to keep my eyes away from him for the rest of the session. But along with it my annoyance at his previous indifferent attitude toward me diminished and was replaced with worry.

After a very tense last few minutes the session ended and we all congregated towards the back of the church where everyone had a morning tea. As soon as he was released Blake stormed out of the church, the back doors banging shut behind him. He didn't waste any time to get out of here.

My chest was so tight with anxiety I couldn't bear it, I needed to know what those cuts were on Blake's wrists, so I decided to confront him about them. I gave my mother a hug and told her I was going to follow him.

"Be careful Rose," she cautioned as she hugged me back. I tilted my head to the side as I looked at her in confusion, why would I need to be careful when I was just talking to Blake? But she had already walked off before I could ask.

I followed out the same way he left, a cold wind plummeted through my hair as I walked out of the church walls. The sky had turned a misty grey since we started our session, a storm was brewing in the air.

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