Chapter 5

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Blake didn't return all night. I wasn't expecting him to but by the way Jessie's tormented eyes kept flickering towards the front door all night she had hoped that her son would return to say goodbye to his mother. I was cleaning the dishes as Jessie gave me a goodbye hug and kiss on the cheek. I noticed how the wrinkles around her eyes had aged her and not even the large amount of makeup could cover how badly she was ageing. The worry lines on her forehead seemed to be permanently there and I knew exactly who put them there.

She was barely keeping it together as she left me in the kitchen and as she was saying goodbye to my mother I heard her let out a heart breaking sob. My mother managed to calm her down enough and promise her that we would take care of Blake before she left with miserable eyes. I went to bed early that night consumed with thoughts of Blake and what hell my life has become. 

Finally being in the sanctuary of my own bedroom the horror finally sinks into my soul as I realise that this place will soon no longer just be my own. I will have to share my one happy place with a bully. Now I will never be able to get away from my bullies. 


I was forced awake from my unconscious slumber by a loud creaking noise. Immediately I know what the sound is and my eyes fly open in panic. My door was wide open letting the light from the hallway radiate into my dark room. It blinds my eyes so the only thing I can see is the silhouette of a dark figure standing in the doorway. Panic streams through my veins causing my eyes to pop out of their sockets but before I attack my intruder I hear another crash as my laundry basket smashes into the floor, followed by an exasperated;


 I relax back into my pillow as I realise that the loud intruder was just Blake. He leans over to pick up the basket, which was luckily empty and put it back into place. He slams the door closed behind him sending it shattering in its frame and letting out a loud bang. He was not in the least bit worried about waking me up. 

Annoyance bubbles up in my chest and I felt like screaming at him, it wasn't like I had a school day tomorrow. Blake slides open the divider between our rooms and collapses onto his bed without closing it again. The whole structure of his bed ricochets underneath his weight causing another loud crack to sound through the room.

I glance towards my clock to see that it was three o'clock in the morning. With the divider open our bed heads were facing each other, almost so I could see his face scrunched into his pillow. In annoyance I throw my covers off me and send an annoyed glare towards Blake at his selfishness.

"You could at least of had the decency to walk in quietly," I remark snidely.

"Oh shut up," he snaps back angrily. My hands ball into fists at his rude words.

"You're very selfish," I comment. Then so suddenly I wasn't expecting it Blake jumps off his bed and stalks up to mine. He stands over me and glares down at me like he wanted to kill me. My breath clogs in my throat blocking my airways as I look back up at him.

"You don't know anything about me," he growls and his eyes flash so fiercely I know I hit a nerve. Knowing this, I continue on that same path. I stare back up at him in defiance, I won't back down from his bullying behaviour, I have had bullies for 2 years now. He doesn't scare me.

"You are selfish. You barge into my room and wake me up when I have to be up early for school tomorrow. You left tonight and didn't even say goodbye to your mother. She was distraught, she was crying her eyes out as she left tonight," I snap at him. As I say those words something changes in his eyes, they turn down and he squeezes his eyes closed tightly like he was in pain. I tilt my head to the side staring this curiously, what could that reaction mean? I was intrigued by his behaviour, if he found it painful to hurt his mother than why was he doing it? 

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