Chapter 24

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Hi my lovely readers, I am just placing a trigger warning for those who get triggered by anything related to suicide. Everyone else please enjoy Xx 


I squeezed the steering wheel between my fingers harshly causing my hands to turn white as the car jolted underneath me from the uneven gravel road I was driving down. The canopy of the opaque tress of the woodlands I was driving through blocked out all the moonlight in the sky so much so that I needed to squint my eyes together to see what was in front of me. 

I had no idea where I was going but Blake had told me on the phone that he was at the old abandoned and no longer used railway bridge. I had never been there myself as it was cut off from the public many years ago but I had heard it was a popular place for teenagers to trespass. 

After Blake told me that he needed to talk to me I snapped and yelled at him, asking where he was and why he was putting everyone through this. He didn't say anything to that and then I finally asked him if he was okay. All he said was he needed to see me and asked if I could meet him at the railway bridge.

As stupid as this was after everything, he had done to me and his family and my mother I still needed to make sure he was okay. The dense foliage of the trees dispersed and my car rounded into the end of the trail just as the railway bridge came into view. The vintage decaying bridge was illuminated by one lamp post that was hooked up to an electrical stimulator that also powered a flashing sigh that read, do not enter. 

My eyes found Blake immediately who was a dark shadow sitting a few metres away from the lamp post. His legs were dangling over the side of the bridge, swaying in the breeze. Both his hands were behind him like a crutch as he looked out into the streaming river below the bridge. From this distance he looked okay.

Taking a deep breath, I utilised all my courage and stepped out of the car. My boots crunched as I walked along the gravel road covered in fallen leaves and twigs towards the bridge. Every step I made closer towards Blake emitted an equally substantiating clogging in my chest, my breath becoming heavier. I didn't want to go near him, not after what he did to me but I also couldn't ignore his plea to talk to me when he was in this state.

When I was a few metres away from him I needed to force myself to breathe calmly. My eyes wracked over him to find bandages wrapped around both of his arms and his shirt was ripped in multiple location and dried blood had stained his shirt.

When I reached him, I didn't know what to say so I sat down next to him, following his example and looking down towards the steep cliff below into the rocks that swirled around the flowing water of the stream.

"Hi." Blake spoke first, his voice was raw and crackling like he had worn it out or from emotion. My eyes snapped towards him and he still didn't look at me. That made my blood boil opening the floor gates and I released all my anger at him.

"What is going on? Do you know how worried your family and my mother are about you?" I yelled in indignation and clasped my hands together to prevent myself from shoving him in the chest, from trying to make him see what pain he has caused everyone that loves him.

"How could you do that to them? How could you do that to me?" I cried and a tear fell down my cheek. He knew as I did what I was referring to in that last question.

Blake was quiet for a long time and I finally looked up from under my tear stained eyelashes at him. The aureate light from the lamp shone onto Blake's cheeks, illuminating the strong line of his jaw that was clenched together. He dropped his head so his wild hair fell over his eyes and his cheeks but I could see clearly how he was squeezing his eyes shut together painfully.

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