Chapter 29

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We made our way out through the gardens and back up to Blake's room. Blake opened the door for me and we walked inside into a white sterile hospital room. There was a white bed in the middle of the room and a small desk placed in front of a window that looked over the hospital gardens.

"Homely," I commented, spinning around to face Blake. He had closed the door behind us and was closer to me that I expected. My breath hitched at his close proximity; I could smell his cologne as I breathed in deeply. My heart started accelerating from seeing his strong jaw so close to my face. I staggered a step back from his pursuit and he smirked as he watched me stumble.

"You know, I just thought you were crazy and reckless. Stealing drugs and motorbikes," I joked, talking to try and fill the space created by my nerves.

"I can see how it looked that way, but really I was the dashing hero trying to save the day." He wagged his eyebrows at me and continued to step closer towards me, his blue eyes were staring straight into mine. My eyes wracked over his black shirt and jeans, that accentuated the soft curve of his muscle's underneath.

"I wouldn't say dashing," I teased with fake disinterest, looking down to tweak my nails just to look away from his intense gaze. But I really shouldn't have done that because a moment later Blake's body fell into mine and we both went falling onto his bed. He collapsed on top of me and nestled one of his knees between my legs. 

I was frozen staring up at him as my breathing rate increased from having him so close. He pressed him chest into mine as he positioned his body so his face was right in front of mine. I stared up into his blue eyes and watched the wrinkles around his mouth as he smirked down at me.

"Really? You don't think I am the most handsome man you have ever set your eyes on?" He teased with an intoxicatingly husky tone. I needed to gulp down my hum of attraction.

"Not at all," I objected, breathlessly, my breathlessness at a complete contradiction to my words. I pressed my hands onto his shoulder to push him away but then I felt the warmth of his skin and the hard muscles of his biceps underneath my touch. I started moving my fingers around his arm to feel his triceps too. I glanced back up to Blake from his shoulder to see him smiling smugly.

"Is that why you can't get your hands off me?" Blake mumbled, leaning his chest lower down so he pressed into mine. My heart rate sped up again and warmth spread out from where his body touched mine.

"Yes," I objected in a deadpan but then continued to move my fingers over him so my hand was wrapped around his whole upper arm.

"Well I will just have to prove you wrong." Blake inched his mouth closer towards mine. I wasn't expecting it and my breath hitched.

"Please do," I hummed, leaning my chest forwards into him. His eyes sparked with mischief and then he lowered his head and pressed his lips to mine. His lips were soft, so soft and I melted underneath his touch. Blake slid his lower lips against mine and I responded to his kiss instantly. We became a tangle of limbs as I ran my hands through his hair and raised the other to run my hands over his cheek. 

His face was rough underneath my hand from the scruff of his beard that he hadn't shaven in the last few days. His knee was nestled between my legs and he raised his knee up even higher making my pulse jump. I opened my mouth to his and his lower lip ran over mine softly. I was still trying to get the hang of kissing but I was just copying Blake's movements, he seemed to know what he was doing. 

Blake ran his hands underneath the back of my shirt and his hands slid down the bare skin of my back making me shiver even though his hot body was on top of mine. Blake's lips left mine and his blue eyes stared down at me.

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