Your One Direction Life with Niall

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while on this book. I have been really busy.

How you guys met: You were sitting in Nandos with 3 plates of food. You just loved food! You were about to start eating when 5 boys and a lot of guards came in. "Everyone out!" They yelled in sync. They looked directly at me and saw that I still had 3 full plates and a blond boy, who I knew to be Niall walks up to me and he says "You can stay, since you havent even eaten anything. You can join us if you'd like!" he looked really happy when you replied with "Oh, yeah sure!" You went over to their table, only a bit embarrased since You had 3 plates. "I like food." You say with a smile. They all laughed. You must admit, they are all really hot. But you liked Niall the best. His eyes were perfect. He was perfect. After they got and finished their food, 4 of the guys walked out. Niall said "Hey, uh, (Your name) Would you like to go out with me sometime?" You shook your head yes and he gave you his number, and in exchange, you gave him yours. You both smiled and he hugged you.

Since then: You guys have texted nonstop and he took you out on 3 dates until he asked you out. "Lucky number 3" you said when he asked you. "No I planned it." He told you. You looked confused and he said "That's how many plates of food you had when we first met."

Now: You guys are married as of August 29. Liam asked if the wedding could be on his birthday and Niall agreed happily. You guys had 2 kids. One boy and one girl. The weird thing is, the boy was born on Nialls birthday Spetember 13, and the girl was born on your birthday!

Your hair was the same and you had the tiara as well, and a beautiful wedding dress. You guys had a girl named Lia and a boy named William.

You and Niall are happily in love and live a perfect life. In a perfect house.

The rest is up to you(:

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