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You and Niall had been dating for two years exactly and to celebrate he took one week off from their 3rd world tour to take you somewhere "special" (his words). You assumed he meant a fancy restaurant in Paris, like last year's anniversary, but he surprised you this year and flew you to Bermuda with him to spend a few days in your own resort on the beach. It was your last night in Bermuda and you two just finished the best meal of your lives at the little restaurant.

The waves crashing on the beach were the only sound, save for the song that Niall was humming, he is always making some sort of noise whether it is a hum or a whistle or just plain singing. The sun was slowly melting into the ocean, staining the water purple and the sky orange.

Niall pushed back from the table and patted his stomach contentedly. "Ahhh that was so good." You smiled at him and placed your napkin on the table. You can't help but keep looking over your shoulder at the beach behind you. "You wanna go for a walk Princess?" You smiled and nodded. He got up and, like a gentleman, extended his hand towards you. You gladly took it and both of you walked out to the beach.

"It's gorgeous," you whispered as the sun slipped past the horizon and the atmosphere got considerably darker. "No, you are." Niall corrected you, making you giggle and blush. Your strappy sandals weren't meant for walking on the beach and you bent down, slipping them off your feet and carrying them in the hand not firmly held in Niall's.

"This is truly incredible babe, thank you so much for this surprise." You and Niall walked on the hard-packed sand, the surf occasionally lapping at your ankles. He smiled at you and let go of your hand, only to wrap his arm around your waist. "I'd buy the world for you, Angel. You know that." You leaned into Niall even more and he kissed the top of your head tenderly.

You spied an intricate sea shell lying on the beach a few yards in front of you and wiggled out of Niall's grip to retrieve it. You picked it up triumphantly and Niall can't help but laugh at how cute you were. The wind picked up and started blowing the hem of your dress around, not to mention your hair. A big chunk of your hair blew into your mouth and you spit it out determinedly. You kissed the shell before tossing it back into the ocean with a smile. He laughed again and started running towards you. You ran away and made it into a game of tag, both of you racing down the white sand beach.

Eventually Niall caught up to you and picked you up, wrapping you in his arms. He spun you around and kissed you as soon as your toes hit the sand, leaving you breathless. The kiss grew deeper and more passionate, Niall's hands firmly around your waist and your hands clutching onto his face. When you two finally came up for air, you didn't break your positions, you stared into his eyes and his baby blues stared back into yours.

"I love you so, so much darling. Happy Anniversary." Niall whispered. You blinked and smiled, you're a woman of few words and Niall understood that. He released your waist and grabbed your hand again, the two of you started to walk back towards the glowing light of the resort. Now the beach was illuminated only by the moon and the stars twinkling in the sky. Everything was perfect.

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