Harry Styles

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"Ugh" you grumbled at your math book. You were stuck on one problem that no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't figure it out. Harry came into the kitchen where you were studying and leaned over your shoulder. "Need some help there, love?" He chuckled, sitting down on the empty stool beside you. "Well.. Yes." You sighed. He took the sheet and stared at the problem for a minute.
he proceeded to show you how to forgive it out and what to do. You smiled, "thanks, bro." He returned the toothy Styles grin.
after a few more hours of doing homework and taking snack breaks, you felt yourself getting sleepy. You tried to stay awake, but Harry caught you dozing off. He chuckled and scooped you up in his strong arms, carrying you up the stairs to your room. He Kate's you in your bed and tucked you in. Just as he was leaving, you opened your eyes "haz?"
"sing to me"
you mumbled cuddling into your blankets. He nodded and came and sat beside you. Then sang The Man Who Can't Be Moved until you fell asleep.

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