Harry Styles

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(You may already know but Y/N means your name and Y/DN means your Doctors name)

How you meet o.o

It had been hours since you first started getting ready, you couldn't remember how many times you had changed your outfit. You had been saving for this concert for months so you could have front row seats, the VIP package and get to see them backstage. You had to be there early to get to your seat and check in, you double checked your purse before heading into the venue and making a beeline for security, and the second you were seated you could barely contain your excitement. As soon as the boys came out everyone in the crowd went wild, including you until they started singing. You quietly sang along so you could hear them better and you could have sworn Harry was eyeing you throughout the show.
After the show everyone started running out of the stadium to the lobby to get to the autograph table but you just took your time, you had a VIP badge and you could take pictures and get their autographs when they went backstage and you got your time with them. It took another hour before they went backstage and you were able to follow, and you couldn't keep the smile off your face when you were being escorted down the hall with the 14 other people who had backstage passes, all girls of course. The boys where sitting around laughing on comfy looking couches when everyone walked into the small room and the girls started squealing and jumping hurrying to take pictures but you just smiled and sat on the arm of the couch until everyone had their pictures taken. The boys all took turns and you smiled along with their jokes until you felt an arm wrap around your shoulder, "You look a little lonely, smile it looks great on you." You looked over your shoulder and found Harry smiling so close you could feel his warm breath on your ear. You smiled and blushed just as he pulled out his phone held it infront of you and said "Cheese," the flash blinded you for a second but you quickly got your wits back about you and leaned in for another picture ready this time.
"Thanks," You smile a bit shyly and pull out your own phone, "Can we take one with my phone?" You ask him hopefully, and he smirks and shakes his head, your smile falters but you do your best to hide it, "I'll do you one better and send you the ones we already took, whats your number love?" He asks already pulling up the contacts on his phone. "Mr. Styles are you flirting to get my number?" You teased but rattled off your number to him anyways. "And if i am?" He teased back his dimples popping out as he smiled, you couldn't help but laugh, and pushed his shoulder playfully. You and harry joked and flirted for the remaining few hours and a few girls tried to join in but you guys would just brush them off unless they wanted a picture with harry and he would hurry through it.
When it was time for the boys to leave you felt a bit disappointed it seemed like time had flown and you had just got there you were having too much fun with Harry to even spend time with the other boys. Everyone was being escorted out when you heard your name being shouted. "Y/N! wait," You recognized Harry's voice as he came around the corner the other girls gave you incredulous looks as the guard let you go back to Harry. You looked at him curiously and he shuffled a bit nervously from foot to foot, "Did you still want to hang out, your really cool and fit," You rolled your eyes at him calling you fit but nodded with a smile none the less. Who in their right mind would turn down Harry Styles?! He led you out of the venue and you hugged your coat tighter to your body and hurried to the car after Harry. You got smiles and teasing eyebrow lifts from the guys but introduced yourself formally anyways, even though you already introduced yourself once you were sure they had forgotten after all of those girls had done the same before you. The car ride was a bit awkward but you were comforted by the fact that Harry kept his arm firmly wrapped around your shoulders occasionally pulling you closer. When you made it to the hotel everyone got out and Harry grabbed your hand pulling you along behind him until you made it to his room. "You don't mind if I take a quick shower do you? The Tele should work just fine," He asked though he gathered clothes anyways not really giving you a choice. "Unless you want to join me?" He paused in the bathroom doorway with a wink, to which you shook your head and waited till the door was closed firmly behind him to slip off your shoes and climb onto the plush bed with a smile. Mentally you were freaking out while you flipped through the channels but did your best to keep calm. You had set the picture of you and harry as your background just as he stepped out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his waist. You blushed but teased him anyways, "Forget something?" You asked with a smirk, He had a light blush on his own cheeks but stood up to the challenge. "Yea, you," He said his voice dropping a few octaves and he slowly walked towards you until he reached the bed. You held your breath as he leaned in just encase he was teasing you. But as his lips met yours and you heard the sound of the towel drop you knew he wasn't kidding.

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