Little Nialler

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||Meeting Him.||

You meet him at a Guitar shop, he comes over to you. "Which guitar do you like?" You point to one, and he nods "That's a nice one I agree." He grabs the guitar for you, and you look at him. "I Think i'm gonna take this one." He laughs and says, "I don't work here babe." you laugh and say "Oh, I didn;t know aha." you walk over the the casheir (<-- I don't know how to spell that sorry. lool. and too lazy to look it up.) after paying He comes over to you "By the way i'm Niall Horan." You smile and say "I'm y/n" he nods and says "I could give you some lessons." Even tho you don;t need any you say yes anyway, he gives you his adress to go over his house and the time. You take the items and say, "Looks like a date huh." he smiles and says "Maybe.."

||First date.||

He lets you into his house you do guitar lessons for 20 minutes then you guys eat and talk the whole time. After talking for 4 hours he looks at you "I have a question and I know this is REALLY soon but uh..' you look at him. "What is it Niall." He looks at his food "Uh, will you be my girl friend." You look at him and smiles " Yes Niall !"


You guys have a nice beach side wedding


You have a boy and girl, you name your little girl Anna, and your little boy Niall Jr.

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