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Your daughter this picture is so cute

Niall Horan just happens to be your boyfriend....funny, cuz didn't you
like him? You two met at a 49ers football happened to be
sitting next to him! Immediately you guys fell in love. One night Niall
locked himself in hid bedroom and secretly searched up the next 49ers
game coming up. He bought two tickets. A few nights later, Niall dragged
you into the car and he drove all the way to the game. It was the best date
night ever! A few months later, you guys have a baby girl and you name
her Nevaeh. Nevaeh had beautiful blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.
She was the most popular girl in school, but only because she was so pretty.
Not because of her personality, because she was very sassy and snobby and
too good for all the ugly people...but she was sweet to you and that's all that

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