You and Niall have a fight

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You sat on the couch, impatiently waiting for your boyfriend, Niall, to come home. It was near 8 and he should have been back at 5.
You heard the door swing open and you shot up, only to see Niall wobbily closing the door and walking to the kitchen.
"Where were you?" You asked, half concerned and half annoyed.
Niall mumbled something that sounded like an answer full of swears.
"Niall." You asked again, "Where were you?"
He looked up at you angrily and rummaged through the fridge.
"Shut up! I was just out!" He yelled in your face, and you could smell alcohol on his breath.
"Out drinking?"
"What's it to you, bitch?" He spat, lightly pushing you out of the kitchen.
"Niall! Don't talk to me like that!"
"Don't act like me mum!" His voice raised everytime he spoke, scaring you a bit.
"Why would you go out drinking?"
"TO GET AWAY FROM YOU. THAT ANSWER GOOD ENOUGH?!" He pushed you a bit harder, causing you to fall on your bum.
"Y/N, just fuck off." He mumbled, rummaging through the fridge again. You pursed your lips and ran to your room, packing a small bag while texting Liam. You walked out of your room and started heading for the door when you felt someone grab your arm, tightly.
"Where the hell do you think you're going, Y/N?" Niall asked. It was as if he didn't give a damn if you were there, but he didn't want you to leave.
"Liam's." You said dully.
"Liam." He scoffed. "Don't tell him I've been at the p-pub!" He hiccuped and you pulled your arm away from him, tears starting to stream down your face.
"Yes, of course. Run out. That makes you brave." Niall said sarcastically, making you cry more. You slammed the door behind you and started walking to Liam's (you didn't have a liscence yet)
When you were halfway there, it started pouring.
'Perfect,' you thought 'gloomy weather. Match my mood.'
You knocked on Liam's door, your tears blended with the rain drops.
"Y/N, come in! You must be absolutely freezing!" He took your hand and led you inside, directing you to stand where you were while he went and grabbed a towel. He had me sit on the couch and ran to make some tea.
"Liam, please. Don't go all out like this. I just... needed to get away from Niall for a bit. And I felt like you were the only one to go to."
"Awh, love, tell me what happened."
You explained to him how Niall had come home and was yelling at you, cussing, and admitted he was drunk.
Liam's lip pressed together.
"Can't believe he'd do that.."
"Liam, I know you care, but don't interfere!"
"Don't worry, Y/N. Listen, it's late, and it's been a long day for you. Get some rest; the guest room is the first room on the left upstairs.
You thanked Liam and fell right asleep.
You woke up late the next day, and heard yelling from downstairs.
"Niall, just go. I can't believe you went out drinking, then came home and treated Y/N like dirt!" You heard Liam spit at whoever was at the door.
Obviously, it was Niall.
"Liam, I-I was drunk! Please, just let me explain it to her!"
You frowned and tip toed down the steps, keeping out of the boys view.
"No. You've really hurt her."
"Liam!" Niall cried out and it sounded as if he had tears in his voice.
Liam couldn't say no to Niall crying.
"I think she's asleep..." You heard Liam mumble.
You ran to Liam and jumped on his back.
"Nope. Not asleep." You said and Niall smiled, but it was gone within an instant. Replaced with a very sad look.
"Y/N, I'm so very sorry! The stress of the fame got to my head, and I couldn't help but stop by the pub!"
You bit your lower lip.
Should you forgive him?
You did.
"Niall, I know. I know you were drunk. It's okay." You started to tear up with him and he pressed his lips against yours. You kissed back, more passion this time.

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