He only lets you touch his hair

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Next time you see grinning, know that he's thinking of you. Need I say more?


P.S: You're the only one that he'll let touch his hair :O

::::: You had to get a lot of stuff from the supermart. "Gels, shampoo, lotion, sunblock, hair accessories, spaghetti, chocolates, tampons.. wow that's not even the half of it." You grumbled to yourself.

You pulled into the parking lot on your Vespa. The sun was shining so hot, you put on your Dolce shades and strutted out to get a trolley. Harry spotted the same one as you, the last one that was available there, and you both reached out to pull it out at the same time. You turned around to give him a look, but alas he couldn't see because of your shades. The gentleman that he is, he let you take it, holding his hands up in surrender. You giggled to yourself and said, that he could share it if he wanted. You could divide it halfway with the baby carrier. He immediately agreed. While you pooped in all your lady stuff, he stood and stared at you. Seeing him stop, you asked him "Is something wrong?"

He said "Your hair."

"My -- hair??" You looked at him in horror, frantically feeling your hair to see what was wrong. "What is it? What happened to my HAIR?"

"Nothing happened, it's just really pretty." He said with a shrug.

"What! No how could this happen, I take so much care of it and it can't just go weird- Oh." You realised what he had said.

"Wow, you really do take care of it." He smirked at the numerous hair products in your trolley.

"Yes well that's why I freaked out when you said there was something wrong with it. Don't do that again" You were embarrassed at how you had reacted.

"Hey, sorry. It was cute though. Your panicky face is cute too."

"It's okay. Wow, that's the first time I heard THAT." You both laughed.

"Well, you know I'm OCD about my hair, but you can touch it if you want. I owe you for the stress I cause you. " He was smirking and you couldn't believe what he had said. "Of course, pretty boy, I'm not giving up on this opportunity. Now that's a great way to apologise."

You caressed his curls, they smelt good. "Wow, well, you and I should be like, hair models" He grinned his sexy smile at your idea. :::::

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