The Swag Masta

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You took your brother to the park because he wanted to go. So you guys headed towards the playground. You sat on the swings so you can keep an eye on him. You were also texting your friend. Who is loves One Direction Oh so very much.
Your POV (Point of view)
Reads text: 'AHHHH (Your Name) you cannot believe the tweet I got from NIAL!!! They're here stopping to eat!!!!' You reply: 'Oh ya thats great!'
*sighs* You know I wonder if shes gonna go stalk them. She probably would..... Then a couple of boys came up behind you and ran right past you."Hey ummm... excuse me?", I said. "I don't like to be rude but you almost trampled over my brother!" Then they stopped in their tracks and turned around. Ahhh its One Direction. I love their music I haven't been really paying attention to the band itself but mostly the music but of course I knew who they were! Louis was coming closer. "We're very sorry umm sorry but whats your name?" He asked. "I'm (Your Name)", You said. "Oh pretty name. Do you mind if I swing with you? You can go along boys!" He grinned. "Well love you look very pretty I must say. I sorta fancy you." he said. I blushed. "Well do you mind if I can take a picture with you... My friend loves you guys and if I told her I met you guys and I didn't take a picture she would be pretty dissapointed." I said. "Alright why not?" He said. You snapped a picture quickly. "Thanks.", you said quietly. "No problem, do you want to go to dinner tonight?" he asked. "Sure I guess.", You blushed. "Ok then!" He said happily. He gave you his number then ran away.

*Later on*
You put on jeans, uggs, and a floral shirt with a brown leather jacket. You walked outside.
*Your POV*
He was halfway to your house. He was running and out of breath. "Sorry, I would have taken a car here but I don't have a car here." He said panting. You giggled. "It's fine." you replied. "Well lets go then! I think there is a 50s diner here isn't there?" He asked me. "Yes there is." I said. "Good because I've always wanted to go to those old 50s diners its so unique I'd have to say" he said. "Well I guess they are they have very good food there.", I added. "There it is right?" he asked. "Yup that's it!" I said. He grabbed my hand. "Let's go then shall we." he said enthusiastically. He sped off with me getting dragged behind him. I laughed. He was childish but I liked it. I went inside. As usual it smelled very good inside. This time I dragged him to the usual spot I sit at. Ms. Prim came over and took our orders. We talked and ate for what seemed like hours. Then he took me home and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed. He waved goodbye then walked away

You get married. Your colors were green and blue. It was totally beautiful. You got married on a beach in Europe. Austria to be exact and it was just a cute wedding with family and friends including One Direction! They preformed a song from their first album which was 'More Than This' You were almost crying. Then they sang a couple more songs. All of the One Direction boys danced with you. Because you guys were all like besties. 2 years later you had twins named Lilly and Jakob. Even though he still went on tours and stuff you guys still managed to keep the best relationship EVA!

Wedding memories :) the altar area tables for venue your brides maid dress and your wedding dress. After the wedding you go on a honeymoon to Fiji! you stayed at the likuliku lagoon resort this is your roomlater on you move into this house its in England :)

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