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||Meeting him.||

Your getting your new tattoos, he "artist" comes in he sits next to you and smiles. "Hi, i'm Zayn." You smile back and say, "I'm (y/n)" he tattoos two beautiful feathers onto your wrists. But while he was tattooing you two were joking around, so once he was done he gave you his phone number and you guys had a date the next day. You'd both be going to the Carnival together. :)

||First date.||

You too have the time of your lives, but wheen you want to go on a roller coaster Zayn insists that you guys don't go on it. When you finally get him on it he holds your hand very tightly. screaming in a high pitched sound. When he took you hom, he kissed your cheek and went back to his car with a vase with flowers in it. "give these to your mum." you shook your head and said "why don't you?" he laughed and went inside with you.


After dating for a year, when you wake up one morning. You wake up with the smell of pancakes, and when you get into the kitchen he gets on one knee and says "Marry me babe?" and you luagh and say yes!

On your wedding day you and Zayn couldn't stop looking at each other, and Zayn couldn't keep his hands off of you the whole night.


You have two beautiful girls on August 4th at 5:09, Zayn names one of them Anna, you name the other one Gretchen. :)

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