Does he still love me (2)

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You hadn't been asleep for more than 45 minutes when you heard breathing next to you. You fluttered your eyes open to see Niall sleeping next to you, his fingers laces in yours. "Niall! What the hell did you break in!?" you screamed waking him up. "Babe, you have me a copy of the keys remember?" he said rubbing his head. "Wh-what are you doing here?" you asked, still in shock that he was sitting next to you. He opened his eyes completely and grabbed your hand. "Ashley, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I know that probably means nothing to you but I fucked up big time. you mean the world to me and I would never do anything to hurt you. I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing. Please when I realized that you were gone I started panicking, I didn't know where you were, if you were safe or not or who you were with. I remembered you taking me here and telling me how much this place meant to you, so I got in my car and drove here. Sure enough I found you sleeping in your car," you were astonished at the fact he remembered you telling him about this place considering it came up on your first date. "Ashley I love you, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I've never felt this way about anyone before and I'll be a mess with out you. Please take me back?" He looked into your eyes and you melted. His eyes had such a strong effect on you, you couldn't explain it. It was like the world melted away and you were the only two people that mastered. "You've get one more chance, don't waste it." You said, a smile appearing on your face. He breathed a sight of relief and pulled you in for one of his famous Horan hugs. You stayed like that for awhile until he opened your door and held his hand out for you. You grabbed it hesitantly and walked with him, the cool evening breeze coming in from the ocean hitting your face. Niall went over to his car and pulled out 2 blankets, a lantern, and his guitar. "Strange items to keep in your trunk Horan." you said. He flashed you a winning smile ad grabbed your hand, leading you towards the beach. "Just come with me." he said. You walked with him about 60 feet before he stopped and laid out one of the blankets in the sand and motioned for you to sit down. Even though you were dressed in layers you were still cold, Niall got the hint and placed the soft blanket around your shoulders. He sat down across from you guitar in his hands and stars to sing. Once he started playing you recognized the song as Ed Sheeran's A Team (I just thought this song is perfect for this part). Niall knew you loved that song and would sing it for you when you had trouble sleeping. Your eyes darted from his eyes, to his hands moving up and down the feet board, and back up to his eyes. Occasionally he would catch your gaze and smile causing to to blush.

Once he finished with the song he took a deep breath waiting for some kind of response from you. You were speechless so you just wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his. The kiss still had the same spark it did when you kissed him for the first time. Your lips fit together perfectly ad moved in sync. The wind was whistling ever so softly and the waves crashed on the shore in perfect harmony. You disconnected your lips from his looking into his hypnotizing blue eyes. "I love you Niall, please don't let me go." You said placing your head against his chest listening to the beat of his heart. "I love you too Ashley, and trust me I won't. Now make room under the blanket I'm cold now too." you smiled at his words and made room for him. You 2 feel asleep entangled in each other underneath the stars and lived happily ever after

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