you meet Liam at a 1D concert

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PS this pic is from their TV special

You were at a 1D concert with your best friend and running a bit late. As you headed into the venue, you past a corridor where the boys were walking down. Liam spotted you and smiled, mouthing for you to wait after the concert.

After the concert, you and your friend took as long as possible until nearly everyone had vacated the venue. You made your way down to the corridor and sure enough Liam was leaning casually against the wall, anxiously awaiting your presence. He turned when he seen you, flicking his perfectly straight brown hair. "Hey..." he moved closer to you as your heart raced.

You whispered nervously "Hi". He grabbed a small poster from out of his pocket and handed it to you; you noticed it was signed by all 5 boys so grinned in excitement. Ever since they were on the X Factor, you dreamed about meeting him and now it was happening.

"There's no need to blush...I'm not that great". You giggled at his remark, feeling your cheeks flush. "Do you and your friend fancy having dinner with us, back at the hotel. Everytings paid for...I'll personally see to it that you are dropped off home safely." He smiled enthusiastically.

You turn and smile at your friend then back at Liam. "Em...yeah please. As long as it's not to much trouble."

"No, not at all. Yous are both very pretty by the way." He linked arms with you both as you head off onto the tour bus.

Inside the red leather seats were taken up by the boys, as you walk up the middle isle they turn and smile at you. Harry pipes up "So Liam, I see you have yourself some new friends. Nice to meet you." He said reaching out shaking your hands. You blush again, not used to all the attention. You then all head back to the hotel to enjoy a lovely meal.

After the meal is finshed Liam drives you and your friend back home. "Well, it's been nice to meet you." Hugging you as he hands you his number. "Tonight was fun, we'll have to do it again some time...just us two." He winked at you before driving off into the night.

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