Your True Love

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Niall Horan:)He is one of the most immature one's of the band;) he is great fun he is also adorable and Irish;) he laughs a lot, and is very sweet:)

He likes you because you are cute and funny:) and you understand him, and have amazing times when you're together:D you two are exactly the same, and you care about othe peoples feelings, but you dont care what they think of you!-you don't have to, because everybody loves you both anyway:D;)

You met while at a school dance:) you had been dancing all night, and then when You got tired, You went outside to get some fresh air. You sat on a bench and there was no-one else around, when all of a sudden, niall came to sit next to You! You both instantly hit it off, and were laughing and joking around for about half an hour, then you got too cold, so you were about to go back inside to warm up, but niall looked upset that you were leaving, so you said that you would stay with him. but then you started to shiver, so he gave you his jacket (aw!) ;) you looked at him, and he kissed you! you deided to ditch the dance, and go off to spend the rest of the night with niall;) he gave you his number when he had to go, and you gave him yours:)

then the next day he rang you and wanted to meet up, so you did! you had a great day together and then he fell for you, and you two live hapilly ever after! :D

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