Zayn Leaving

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I posted the same thing on my other story but I also had to put it here.
I'm very and I mean very sad that Zayn left One Direction. I know that he did it for his health and to try to save his relationship with Perrie, but it just makes me sad that One Direction is no longer together. I know what you are thinking there is still Louis, Liam, Harry, and Niall but me being the fandom since like 2011 I been apart of a lot of things cuz of these boys and they have helped me in so many ways. Just knowing that 1/5 is gone it hurts me a lot. I know that he wants to be a normal 22 year old and have a private life, but he won't really have that because he was in One Direction. I just know that in my heart he is still part of One Direction to me and will always be. I love Zayn and I just hope he and the rest of the boys will still be as close as they r now and that his health will get better and that him and Perrie can work things out with each other.

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