Does he still love me

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You were sitting in the living room of the flat you shared with your boyfriend, Niall. You 2 have been dating for a year and everything was great. Lately however he wasn't spending as much time with you. You were perfectly fine with the fact that he was busy with his career, but at the end of the day you expected him to come home and give you a kiss rather than receiving a text saying that he was out with the boys. Most nights you watched TV and dose off in the living room. You would wake up and see Niall passed out by the door, haul him upstairs, and let him sleep off his hangover.

Tonight however was different. It was 2 in the morning and Niall still wasn't home. You had texted and called him but you got no answer. You sighed ad drifted off to sleep. Just when you were about to fall asleep, you heard the door open, footsteps on the floor. You opened your tired eyes to see Niall stumbling around, with his lips on another girl's. "N-Niall?" you asked, voice cracking from the fact that you haven't talked in hours. "Oh hey baby! Didn't see you there." You didn't know what to say, so you didn't say anything. "Niall! Who is she!?" you screamed. "Oh this is, this is um." "Rachel" she said, too drunk to care that he forgot her name. "What are you doing?! I'm your girlfriend REMEMBER!" you screamed, the tears welling up in your eyes. "Relax babe, I'm just having a little fun." he went back to kissing Rachel. Were you not good enough for him? Did he want someone else?

You stormed up the stairs with tears falling form your eyes. You didn't even think, you just started throwing clothes in your luggage. You picked up all your belongs with shaking hands and eyes blurred by tears. Your mom had warned you about this, she said that a big star like him would go out to parties with alcohol and beautiful girls possibly co home with one of them, leaving you in the rear view mirror. Once you thought you had packed everything you grabbed your keys and made your way downstairs. As you were about to open the door you saw Niall and the girl he brought home making out on the couch. That's all you needed. "Goodbye Niall." you said, trying not to stutter your last words to him. You threw your bags in the back of your car and started the engine. You had no idea were you were going, you had no where to go, you just had to get away from Niall. Your sobs got to a point where you had to pull over and clam down. You stopped at a quiet spot by the beach where you would always come to think. Once the car stopped you let it out, you had your head on the steering wheel and sons were shaking your body. Tears were falling from your face to your hands and then on the floor of the car. You started to think back on the past with Niall, when you met, your first date, your first kiss, the time he wrote a song for you, Valentine's Day when he bought you a truck full of red roses and you ate by candle light. Tears only started to pour down your face quicker as you looked back on all the memories. You soon became tried and grabbed an oversized hoddie, socks, and a pillow and fell asleep with the moon and the stars above you.

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