Christmas with Liam

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Liam hugging a tree

You sit on your couch waiting for your boyfriend, Liam, he's taking you out to go view Christmas light and you just can't wait.
You finally hear a knock at the door and rush to open it.
Liam kisses you on the cheek.
"Hi, (y/n), you look beautiful as always." You blush as his compliment.
He walks to the car and then pulls out something from his pocket.
"Liam, I thought we weren't getting each other anything?" you say, confused.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist..." He hands you the box.
You open it and you gasped when you saw the ring, it was a promise ring.
"Do you like it?" Liam asked.
"Yes, I love it! Thank you so much!" You look at him and he smiles.
He leans in to kiss and you can feel the sparks fly.
When you and Liam arrived, you couldn't believe your eyes, it was literally a winter wonderland.
You guys walked around holding hands.
You were so happy to be with him and felt so lucky to get marry to him one day.
Liam felt the same way about you...

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