chapter 6

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"Don't get in my fucking way" Bakugou pushed his way passed Y/N as they were setting up for the round.  

"That goes both ways Blondy" The girl retorted, already annoyed by the boy.

"I'm not loosing to the damn nerd" The girl got curious about who he was talking about. Until she remembered the tension between him and the One For All holder. 

"Why are you so... mad at him" She asked squinting at the boy.

"He's been a pain in the ass since we were kids. Just stay out of it" Y/N noticed how tensed up he was over this one boy. 


"Now let's start the indoor person to person combat training with Team A and Team D" All mights voice boomed on the ear bud as Y/N stood by the big paper mache missile.

"Where are you going" The h/c girl asked as the angry boy walked out of the door, his fists clenched.

"It's non of you damn business" he called back.

"You're kidding me right" The girl sweat dropped when she realized he was gone. She rubbed her temples mumbling curses about the boy.

"Is Y/N talking to herself?" The students asked while they watched from the monitor room. They could all see the girl but there was no mics to pick up sound.

 All might sweat dropped as he heard the girl's profanities.

"Ye- Yes young Y/N is just saying self affirmations" The students gave a confused look to the teacher who tried to ignore it.  

Luckily for the nervous teacher a big explosion took the attention away from Y/N.

"Uraraka are you alright??" The green haired boy asked getting up from Bakugou's surprise attack.

Smoke started to clear from the hallway giving Ockako enough clarity to see Midoriya's scratches and broken costume.

"Deku?" She question, worry ghosted her face.

"It's just a scratch" He tried to give her a brave smile before standing up

"Come Deku, stop being a pussy and dodging my attacks. Fight. Back." Bakugou's footsteps got closer and closer.

"I figured you'd come for me first" Midoriya stated wiping his nose. He tried to ignore the pain and the suffocating air. 

Back with the missile Y/N looked around as she heard a conversation on the ear piece.

'is he trying to talk to me?'
she thought before realizing it was an accident.

"I won't do so much damage that this fight gets stopped but it's going to be close" She heard Bakugou. His voice sound way more aggressive than usual. Until she heard Bakugou yell, she assumed he was going to punch Midoriya until she heard Bakugou grunt, and an extremely loud thud.

"That sounded painful" she mumbled. 

"Kaachan.. You usually start with a big swing" Y/N could briefly hear Midoriya's voice in the back of the microphone.

"Hey Blondy need any help down there. Seems like you're loosing-" she mumbled into the ear piece a smirk appearing on her face.

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