chapter 11

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The girl took her time walking back to her room. Her eyes were distracted looking at anything but in front of her. 

The familiar voice repeating in her head.

"Befriend them" It echoed like a broken clock.

But the girl shut her eyes as she neared her room. In attempts to clear her head. 

Voices from the other rooms snapped her out of her thoughts. Curiosity was creeping in. Since there were rooms on each side of the hall she couldn't help but feel tempted to see who was in the room in front of hers but decided it wasn't her business.

The girl shook her head before returning to her room. She fell on her bed, the fatigue from teleporting and apparently- hallucinating hitting her hard. But before her eyes fully shut, knocks on the door woke her up.

She blinked a few times wondering if she was imagining knocks on her door until a spam of knocks started. She groaned before opening the door to see Mina, Sero, Kirishima and Denki.

"What-" She started but four of them pushed through her to get inside her room. This whole day was messing with her.

"Y/N YOU'RE ROOM IS FIRE WHAT THE-" Denki said looking around. Y/N winced at his loud voice.

"The WINDOW the WINDOWS" he added pointing to the special windows built just for her. 

"Y/N WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD SUCH A CUTE WARDROBE!" Mina squealed from her closet.

"Y/N I didn't know you liked Studio Ghibli! we should binge watch together sometime that would be super manly" Kirishima said with a big thumbs up the Sero also gave a thumbs up.

"Okay?" Y/N said overwhelmed with everyone.

She wanted everyone to leave but the voice started echoing. She winced at the voice before observing them. But her eyes widened after realizing that her swords and assassin outfit were in the closet.

"HEY-" Y/N shouted getting their attention, which made them all swing their heads to her direction

"uh how about we go see everyone's rooms instead?" Y/N suggested a little red. Her heart was racing when Mina started talking.

"oooo that's a great idea let's go go go people" Mina said marching out. The boys nodded and marched out behind them.

Y/N almost collapsed on her bed again once they left in relief. But Mina came running back and grabbed her.

"You're coming too" Mina said with a smile. It was bright. And for once Y/N let it slide. Maybe it  was because the image of Teach was still fresh in her head- or maybe because she was tired to complain. She just nodded compliantly and followed. They started to hopping from room to room.

First was Momo's. Y/N had done some research about Momo before hand. The richest girl in her class.

"My room is a little more cramped then intended" She laughed off. Y/N's mouth dropped. Screw "a little more "- her room was extremely cramped.

All of them sweat dropped at the sight.

"Your furniture is HUGE" Denki said. Y/N almost snickered. Meanwhile Mina leaned over to Y/N putting her had over her mouth.

"Momo's rich"

"No kidding" She blinked.

The next was Midoriya's room. When they opened it, it was filled with All Mights. A few of them giggled before calling over Ochako. Y/N had observed the relationship between Ochako and Midoriya growing but it was never too important to the mission.

"It's an otaku room!" she squealed Mina and Momo laughed out loud while Y/N covered her mouth. Desperately trying to hold it in. Midoriya burst into deep shades of red.

"How embarrassing" He mumbled.

After going into many rooms everyone ended up joining in and they made it into a competition. Y/N got bored and snuck out of it half way through because she was tired and fell asleep. Reality  was finally weighing on her. Everything hit her hard. The lingering questions of Teach. The rest of the students moving in. The teleportation. 

Around 6:30 Momo and a few others started to make dinner.

"Who's going to wake her up for dinner?" Ochako said standing in the living room of the dorms with the rest of the class.

"Hmm can one of they guys do it since we made dinner?" Momo asked looking at the guys who were playing wii sports on the tv.

"Uh no way she's already scary enough when she's awake can you imagine what she would be like after getting woken up" Denki and Kirishima said imagining Y/N chasing after them. The two of them shivered.

"We're setting the table right now can you wake her up Todoroki?" Tokoyami asked while Midoriya nodded. 

"Sure" The boy simply stated before walking out to her room. All eyes followed the dual haired boy as he plainly walked towards Y/N's room.

The girls popped their heads to watch him interact with her but instead were greeted by Bakugou. Who was grumpily making his way towards the living room.

"What are you extras doing" Bakugou snarked scaring them.

"We're watching Todoroki wake up Y/N" Mina whispered pointing past the blond boy.

"And dinner is ready" Jirou added. The girls nodded their heads while Bakugou raised an eye brow. He turned around to see Todoroki then shook his head.

"Y/N please wake up dinner is ready" Todoroki said after politely knocking.

Y/N's eyes slowly opened recognizing the voice. It wasn't exactly one she was fond of.

"No" Y/N's muffled voice said from the other side of the door.

"Understood" he said before marching back to the dinning hall.

The girls deadpanned while watching as the boy gave up so easily.

"Fucking pussy" Bakugou muttered before marching to her room.

"Oh no" Momo cringed watching him walk to Y/N's room.

"That's not going to end well" Mina added quietly

"WAKE THE FUCK UP BEFORE I BLAST DOWN YOU'RE FUCKING DOOR SHIT HE-" but before he could finish his sentence the door whooshed open. 

"Would you shut the fuck up" she said before rubbing her eyes and walking off. Bakugou rolled his eyes and tailed her.

When they all grabbed their food everyone filled their plates to the brim. Y/N only filled a quarter of her plate.

"Y/N are you sure you don't want to eat more?" tsu croaked. Y/N nodded politely.

"YES Y/N YOU NEED MORE PROTEIN OR YOU WONT BE ABLE TO GROW" Iida's voice rang through the room everyone wincing except for Y/N who sat down and ate her food in peace.

"No it's okay, I'm not hungry" she said before eating and with that everyone followed Y/N lead.

The girl looked around the room. Everyone eating and chatting. Laughter and smile filled the room. And she couldn't help but smile herself.

Change was coming fast and there was a part of Y/N that was excited for it.

A/N : NO WAY! I'M ACTUALLY WORKING ON THE BOOK LOLOL. Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger LMFAOOO


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