chapter 22

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It was already pitch black outside when Mitsuki found the fragile girl sitting on the ground. The air was cold so the mother swiftly wrapped Y/N in her own jacket before bringing the girl to the Bakugou household.  

It took no longer than two seconds to place Y/N in the front seat of her car before going into the house to tell Masaru what was going on and then running back outside into the driver seat.

She started the car quickly before reversing out onto the dark empty roads. The girl looked up in a panic.

"I- I can't go back right now-" 

"I know. Don't worry." Mistuki glanced at the girl and placed a hand on Y/N's shaking hand. The H/C haired girl still had tears welling in her eyes. 

Frankly the blond woman had already heard about what had happened. It started when a news report flashed on her TV saying that there was an urgent situation at USJ and then she saw Y/N's body limp in Bakugou's arms in the background of a report. But whoever was recording was quickly kicked out. 

Shocked and extremely worried, Mitsuki called the school and they told her that there was going to be a meeting to explain the situation. When the school had gathered Class 1-A  and the parents- they explained the situation at hand. 

Mistuki watched the uproar of the students. Some stayed sitting confused; trying to process what was going on. Others were yelling at Nezu to let them see Y/N in the hospital. The confused eventually joined those fighting to see her. 

Bakugou stood up and attempted to walk out of meeting room but was quickly shut down by Aizawa. Sparks were forming at his hands and Mitsuki was ready to stop him but Masaru was quick. He was already beside Bakugou. Masaru placed his hand on the angry boy's head. 

Masaru said a few quick words before Bakugou snapped. He screamed out a few times. Telling Aizawa that he needed to go. That he needed to leave. 

But Aizawa didn't budge. Sparks started flying around his hands and chaos rising. Then Midnight put him to sleep.

"Aren't you scared of me" Y/N's voice was quiet and could barely be heard over the engine of the car. Mistuki's grip on Y/N's hand tightened.

"Never" She replied while turning onto a road that when up a hill. 


"Hon there's nothing you could do that would make me scared of you" The girl furrowed her brows while tears welled up in her eyes. It was quiet for a little before Mitsuki spoke again her eyes focusing on the road ahead of her.

"Maybe your past is scary and maybe some of your actions are a little scary. But there is nothing in this world that can make me scared of who you are" Her words were stern but held with so much care.

"Your actions Y/N, don't define your character." The girl chocked back a sob as Mistuki's thumb ran over Y/N's hand.

"The others-" Y/N chocked out while Mistuki stayed quiet and listened.

"What if they don't forgive me. What if they're scared of me- I- I don't want to lose them" Her voice was panicked but it slowed down when Mitsuki stopped the car. 

Y/N's eyes got distracted by the sight. Mitsuki stopped at a view point above the city. The city sparkled with lights from afar and looks almost peaceful.

It was a sight that could calm down the most powerful storms.

"Y/N-" The young girls eyes looked back at the woman.

"You have to put a little trust in your friends"


Y/N was quiet on the way back to the Bakugou household. Mitsuki told Y/N she could stay at their house for tonight and had already called Aizawa.

In all honesty Y/N was nervous. Trusting people was something she had just learned to do. Horrible thoughts were already bubbling in her head when Mitsuki turned on the radio to fight out the silence that had filled the car.

It was like the mother could hear Y/N's thoughts- and well.. understand them.

It was comforting.

Y/N and Mitsuki made it back the well lit house. Mitsuki left the car first to help Y/N- But Y/N got out of the car easily.

The blond haired woman noticed how Y/N didn't have a single scratch on her. Even after the event that happened only a few hours ago.

Her mouth opened to ask about it but she hesitated. 

'I shouldn't push any further'

The woman moved closer the the girl and rubbed her back as they both moved inside the house. But when they got inside they were greeted by someone rather- unexpected.

A/N : family trips 10/10.

MY SACRIFICE • bakugou.kHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin