chapter 4

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In the cafeteria Y/N was bombarded with introduction of the other students of 1-A. It was unbelievably annoying. But the most annoying part of it was the fact that Mr. Anger Issues was staring at the girl the whole time. 

The h/c haired girl tried to remember his name. All she knew what that it started with a B.

But she ignored it and enjoyed her lunch. It was better than her usual instant ramen noodles. Right as she was cleaning off her plate she overheard the conversation of the other table. 

"Can you imagine paying to get into this school because you were fucking quirkless" a loud voice roared from the other table. As if it was aimed at a specific person. Aimed at Y/N.

The girls at the table over heard shaking their heads. 

"Don't mind him Y/N, Bakugou's rude to everyone" Mina nervously laughed it off while sending a little glare at the boy. The relief of remembering his name settled in but not enough to help with Y/N's anger. 

That was Y/N's last straw. She'd had just enough of this stupid boy. So without him noticing she grabbed a glass of water and walked behind him. The girls she sat with all watched a little smirk form on Y/N's face as she dumped the water over his head. Soaking the boy.

Gasps around the cafeteria were heard and the laughter of a few also reached the two.

"Don't go assuming things about people, Blondy" she stated before a hand grabbed her collar.

"You want to die?" a very angry Bakugo asked eyes glaring as the girl smirked. 

"I'd love to see you try"

Sparks started to fly around Bakugo's hands as everyone had no clue what to do. The students stayed quiet while a few of them about to interject.

"You feel the sexual tension right?" Mina whispered as a yellow haired boy nodded in agreement before a green haired boy spoke up.

"Kacchan-" The boy started before the sparks disappeared around Bakugo's hand. 

"What the fuck" the angry boy mumbled mumbled looking at his hand. 

"Both of you. Class now." the voice of Aizawa boomed, catching the attention of Y/N and Bakugo.

"Great" Y/N mumbled pulling Bakugo's hand off of her shirt.

"You're lucky he interfered" 

"Yeah, yeah whatever"


"This is fucking stupid" Bakugo mumbled while picking up trays in the cafeteria after Aizawa gave them the task of cleaning the cafeteria.

"Yeah well who's fault is this" Y/N replied back pissed off.

She signed up to protect the class and take down LOV, not to get in trouble with a brat. 

"You dumped fucking water on my head" he hissed back shaking a piece of cake off his hand.

"It was your fault. You can't make assumptions about someone you don't know" Y/N mumbled.

"Well how else would a quirkless shit get into this school" he replied

"Wow is shit your only swear word?" Y/N said while wiping the nearest table with her rag.

"Tch" he scoffed while moving to wipe the next table.

"You're a waste of my time" 

"You're a waste of fucking oxygen" she whispered barely audible yet he still heard. He walked up to her and grabbed collar lifting her up until she was on her tiptoes. 

"Say that one more fucking time and you're dead" he said scanning her face for any trace of fear.

Yet there was none. She looked.... bored.

Sighing, the girl used her free hand and hit two spots in his wrist and his hand became loose.

"Look, I don't want to fight right now, I have to go sort some shit with fucking Eraser-Head because of you" she said mumbling the last part under her breath. 

With one quick movement she got his hand off of her collar and put the towel she was using on the table.

"Put that towel away for me k?" she said before walking out. 

Bakugo was about to yell at her but when he turned around she was gone. He looked at the towel and looked at the door to the cafeteria. 

No one was ever that cocky to him, not even Kirishima, nor Deku or even Iida. so why was she? A new curiosity for the girl formed in him.


"Aizawa can I file a restraining order against one of your student?" Y/N said while sitting on his desk.

"That would make it hard for you to keep him safe then wouldn't it" he replied back, typing on his computer.

"Hardy har har" she snarked back rolling her eyes. 

Aizawa sighed and closed his laptop.

"Don't not to get into anymore fights. That's all I ask for"

"Fine, control your students then" she retorted kicking her feet back and forth.

"It's a work in progress"

"I bet" her voice dripped in sarcasm she grabbed her bag and walked to the door before teleporting to her dorm.

"And don't do anything else stupid-" Aizawa realized halfway the girl was gone sighed. She was the work in progress.

Earlier Nezu gave her a key to the dorm house as a part of his conditions and so that they didn't have to worry about her not having a safe place to sleep. 

When she walked into the empty dorm house it felt empty and lonely. It wasn't like she's never felt that way it just reminded her of the first time she moved to her small warehouse by the beach. It took a longtime to get use to the silence. 

She walked through the dark halls into her room and when she got in she dove onto her bed.

Surprisingly the principal let her get whatever she wanted for her room or any clothes. They even got her a phone and a laptop. 

In her room, the walls were white and there were fake vines all around, she had big windows that they specially made for her and a walk in closet. On the walls were vintage Studio Ghilbi posters and records of the music she liked. 

Though she was an assassin she was still an average teenage girl. After lying down for a while boredom hit her. With boredom came a stupid idea. 

The idea of going for patrol and maybe giving back some justice.


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