chapter 15

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Early the next morning Y/N sat in the empty classroom. She was feeling better than yesterday. But this lingering feeling that someone was watching her was haunting her. That was half of the reason she was so early to class. 

The other half was because of the incident last night. An image of the blond hair boy washed over her and heat rose to her cheeks.

"What the fuck is wrong with me" She groaned throwing her head back before covering her face with her hands.

"What are you doing?" She snapped back up to see the voice and her tired teacher was sitting at his desk. His eyebrows raised the slightest bit. 

She groaned in return and slouched back down.

"You were here the whole time?" Her nose crinkled before she looked out the window not wanting to face him. 

"It's my job to be" She huffed as he continued with whatever he was working on. She peaked at his desk and there were papers scattered on it. It peaked her interest. Not to mention the fact that he was out of his infamous sleeping bag.

"What are you doing" She pushed off of her desk to sit on one of the desks in front of his. Y/N's eyes scanned the papers and saw a bunch of words at a size 5 font filling the whole page. She cringed.

"Paper work for tomorrow." His monotone voice rang through the empty class. He rubbed the temples of his head before continue his writing. 

She searched her thoughts for what tomorrow would be and she then it hit her- USJ field trip. It was a big thing for a high up class to leave campus and there would be no doubt that there would be dangers following.

"Look Y/N-" Aizawa started catching her attention. 

"I don't have a good feeling about tomorrow. I need you to be on alert in case anything goes wrong" His usually monotone voice sounded worried. Which really peaked Y/N's interest. She nodded- her lips forming a straight line.

Tomorrow would be a day to be on alert especially if Aizawa was worried about it. She looked out the window of the classroom lost in thought.

'This feeling might have something to do with tomorrow' she wondered. But before she could even think about asking Aizawa's thoughts about it- students started filing into the classroom.


She wasn't paying attention to anything in the classroom. Her eyes were constantly scanning the room while "unintentionally" avoiding the blond haired boy sitting by the window. 

Scanning one more time her eyes fell on Todoroki. She almost glared at the boy knowing who his father is- curious if he was anything like him. 

He seemed to have noticed her harsh (unintentional glare). He returned it. Both of them locking eye contact. For those who looked at the both of them it was like they were mirroring each other. Their expressions a little too similar. She slowly looked back to the front after observing him. 

He on the other hand blinked at the back of the girls head. Y/N wasn't the only one curious about the other.

The lesson dragged on till lunch. Where the class dispersed around the cafeteria.

Y/N was in line for food when someone spoke up from beside her. 

"Y/N" She turned to see Todoroki standing beside her looking at her. Her eyes went back on the food.

"Todoroki" She replied. His eyes went back to the food as well.

"We haven't had a conversation. Have I done anything to you" He questioned with a cold voice. 

"No" She returned back with a voice as cold as his. 

"I sincerely apologize if I have." His voice eased off a little bit. The girl glanced over at the boy and raised a brow. She scanned her face for any sort of malicious intent.

There was none. He had this weird look on his face. Like he felt- upset.

"Todoroki you don't have to apologized for anything" Y/N let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. A little bit of guilt formed in her gut. Maybe she had been a little biased with the way she treated him.

He looked at the girl and nodded.

"Well I hope we have more conversations in the future" The boy turned around and walked back to his table with his green haired friend, leaving the girl a little confused.

'He stood in line just to talk to me?' A quiet chuckle escaped her throat before she grabbed her food.

A/N : Silly little fact I started watching my hero bc of Todoroki but ended up falling in love with Bakugou. LMFAOO. Little bitch stole my attention smh.

MY SACRIFICE • bakugou.kTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon