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12 years. 12 years since y/n was born. Of course y/n and her teacher would be celebrating with y/n's favourite cake. A triple layered chocolate cake.

The two of them drooled over the cake that sat perfectly on a gold plate, the thought of chocolate made the two of them go crazy.

"You remember lesson 5 right?" Y/n's teacher asked, eyes glued to the cake.

"Always finish a chocolate cake. Never leave a crumb" the h/c girl uttered out before jumping at the cake. But before she could reach it her teacher pulled her back by her collar.

"Nuh uh" The teacher shook her head as y/n gave a questioning look back. Swiftly the teacher pulled out a candle and placed it on the top of the cake.

"Happy birthday kid"

A smile was shared between the two of them before the teacher realized she forgot a match.

"Don't you dare touch that cake" the teacher warned glaring at the girl

"No promises" she smiled brightly as her teacher searched for a match. Looking through the drawers of the warn out kitchen, not a single match was found.

"Maybe there's one in my room"

The teacher jogged to her room looking through her drawers. Only to find an old photo of her friends. She smiled softly at the wilted photo before she placed it back where she found it.

"Hey did you find a match?" the teacher yelled as the slight smell of smoke surrounded the room.

But when y/n didn't respond the teacher ran back to the kitchen to check up on her student.

As she got closer the smell of smoke increased and the sound of coughing entered her senses. A bad feeling registered in her system. So as instinct she grabbed a sword and backpack in case her and y/n needed to leave somewhere.

When she reached the kitchen a hazed y/n stood coughing in the middle of the kitchen that was contaminated with smoke.

Getting closer to the small h/c girl the sound of cracking was heard. So without hesitation the teacher dropped her sword and backpack and pushed the girl out of the way.

Just in time to save the girl from the heavy wooden beam that fell from the ceiling. Just not in time to save herself.

"T-teach?" the young girl mumbled, turning around to see the sight of her role model half crushed by a beam.

"y/n" a weak whisper was heard from the teacher and y/n teared up.

The blood started to pool around her as her teacher coughed up.

"Get out of here y/n" the woman mustered up.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not going to lose you there's no way- i'm not going to leave you here- no way no way no way-" y/n tried to pull up the beamed but it cut her hand.

A larger hand stopped y/n.

"Go y/n. This is the end of my journey. But yours is just starting" the teacher's eyes got blurry due to the loss of blood but she tried her best to stay with the young girl for as long as possible.


"What's lesson 1 y/n" the teacher interrupted.

"Always listen to you, Teach" the h/c girl's voice cracked as the thought of losing her teacher set in.

"Take the sword and the backpack and run as far as you can, ok?"

Y/n searched for the back pack and swung it around her back before picking up the sword. The orange fire spread through the room blocking y/n's view of her role model.

"TEACH?" she screamed over the loud fire.

"Life a-alone-, assassin. Don't live a normal life" was the words y/n heard over the screaming flames.

The young girl nodded her head. Tears sliding down her face she made her way to the exit.

"I love you teach." y/n bit her lip before running to the back door. Memories of the two of them flooding through her head as she cried. So much it drowned out the quiet sob from underneath the beam.

"I love you too kiddo"

The fresh air of night greeted y/n as she ran outside. Tumbling to the ground she gasped for the clean air.

"Are you ready to go in?" a voice from the front of the building mumbled catching y/n's attention. A spark of hope was lit inside of her. She thought that the heroes were there to save her teacher from the fire.

"I hope starting this fire was a good idea"

As if someone hit her in the stomach her face turned dark. The realization that they weren't here to save her, but started the fire settled in.

'It's a cruel world' the voice of her teacher rang through her head like a gong echoing and echoing.

The young girl took a deep breath and remembered the last words of her guardian.

"Life alone as an assassin" she mumbled to herself before slowly standing up. A hatred for the heroes and villains forming.

"I'll bring justice in this cruel world" 

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