chapter 19

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"Get up" Y/N's eyes squinted as she pushed herself off the ground. Wherever she was- it definitely was not USJ.

She regained her balance and look around what look like an infinite of darkness. There was nothing around but a figure. Y/N's eyes were blurred and she rubbed them harshly in order to see clearly.

But when her vision cleared up she froze in her spot. Not moving a single inch.


Y/N's body was scratched and bruised, it looked like it was a beaten down toy. But Teach looked like she'd been polished to perfection.

"The one an only" the woman's voice echoed in the infinity around them while Y/N tried to take in what was going on.  

"What- Why- How do you keep" Y/N desperately tried to argue for answers but Teach raised her hand and shook her head.

"You'll find out soon enough we don't have much time-" the woman rushed but Y/N couldn't help it. Before Teach could finish Y/N was already in her arms. Squeezing the woman like she was going to disappear again.

Teach's eyes softened but with a deep breath she she grabbed Y/N's shoulders and looked her in the eye.

"Y/N I don't have much time to tell you this but you are more special than I expected- I knew you were powerful and were going to be amazing but there's many things you're going to find out and it's going to change your life." Her words were sharp but so confusing to the young girl. Y/N tilted her head before voices started to ring in the background.

Teach looked around before sighing. 

"What's Rule 10?" The question caught Y/N off guard.

"Don't give up?" She answered hesitantly before looking into Teach's eyes for the answer to her questions. But all she got was a slight smile. It was a smile she'd only seen in her memories but one she'd missed so much.

Bitting down on her lip, Y/N desperately fought the urge to cry. Yet the tears betrayed her and trickled down her face. Teach's steady hands slowly wiped off the tears, the smile still present on her face.

"You've been amazing. I've been watching you grow and I'm so proud of you. But hon you're going to go through some rocky territory. Don't give up. Remember the rules. Listen to your gut. And don't forget your parents and I are always with you." Y/N listened closely to her words. 

"My parents?" The girls mouth was agape. More questions running through her mind. But before she could ask any further the voices in the background got louder.

"Everything will piece together soon. You're going to do great. I know you will" Teach's voice whispered the last part and that was when Y/N noticed the tears forming in her eyes. The H/C haired girl wrapped her bleeding arms around Teach. 

The woman squeezed Y/N back. Her hands stroking the back of Y/N's head. Even with tears falling down her face Teach managed to collect herself before whispering a few last words as the infinite of darkness started to fade into a bright light.

"But you have to wake up first"

Y/N's eyes slowly opened. She looked around for the Teach but she was no where to be found. The only thing she was able to find was the painfully bright source of light around her. Pain emerged from both sides of her ribs and the back of her head.

Pushing up from the ground she grunted before getting greeted by an awfully panicked voice.


The girl turned her head to see a very worried green haired boy and a green haired girl approaching her. They were crouched down and talking in a hushed voice.

After Y/N's eye finally focused she came to the conclusion that she wasn't in the same area she was before.

"I'm fine" Y/N said standing up completely, shocking both Midoriya and Tsu. Her eyes were locked on something where the fight took place.

"Y/N get back down their going to see yo-"

Tsu couldn't even finish her sentence because Y/N was gone once she saw Aizawa's beaten figure.

She teleported to Aizawa with her last bit of energy and flew back with him in her arms to Midoriya and Tsu holding him confusing Nomu.

Anger was rushing through her. This was her fault. If she was fighting logical and not based on emotion like everyone told her to, he wouldn't be beaten up. Y/N saw the patch of skin missing from his arm and clicked her tongue.

"Take him somewhere else now" she stated with a blank stare in her eyes.

Midoriya knew that he couldn't stop her and that it was best for everyone if she held off Nomu. so he nodded.

Y/N swiftly teleported back. Taking a deep breath.

'I wish I had more fucking stamina'
she thought while standing in front of the bird who's was in the same place he was earlier.

Shigiraki scratched his neck in curiosity.

"Interesting the girl's back, with white energy flames? Could it be she's out of stamina? The great Skip out of stamina?" a smirk forming behind the hand. He was right of course. Y/N found that whenever she was more tired her flames came out looking white than red. But whenever she was enraged and filled with energy her flames came out a dark shade of crimson.

"Tch I didn't want to use this again" Y/N said pulling out her blade. Once she placed it in her dominate hand a glowing white energy flame formed around the blade.

She usually would use her blade once in a fight. But for special occasions came special matters.

The blade was empowered from her energy flames. Therefor the blade that was usually red, was white this time.

If anyone used the blade without her quirk it would be painfully dull. But when she used her quirk it was the sharpest sword you could find. 

"Nomu" Shigiraki said nodding to the girl who was staring straight into the eyes of the bird.

The bird demon's muscular form straightened up completely and the bird's eyes focused on the small girl in front of it.

Wasting no time it flew at the girl attempting to grab her. The muscular arms swinging attempting to catch it's prey. But before it could even comprehend what happened the girl was already at the bottom of the birds hand- which had been cleanly cut off.

"Levi style" she mumbled before slicing down the birds other arm.

Mina and Ochako were watching from afar and they couldn't track the girl. She was moving so fast that she was almost invisible. 

After the last slice she jumped off the bird and stood on the ground in a defensive position attempting to catch her breath.

As she was about to turn around and leave the armless sliced bird, it started regenerating. the muscles slowly returning with gritting sound, the skin of the bird mutating, laying over the freshly made muscles.

Her eyes went wide as laughter was heard.

"Surprising isn't it? Seeing a bird regenerate?"

A/N: My best advice. Fuck bitches, Get money. 

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