chapter 24

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Suffocating silence filled the space between Y/N and the class. She stood there paralyzed- not knowing if they had overheard their entire conversation. Not to mention her face was burning after Bakugou's lecture. It was all too much.

Her eyes slowly scanned over their faces but when she looked she could barely see anything but their silhouettes. The silhouettes changing- morphing into people that've disappeared. People she's killed. People that've betrayed her. Her legs were weakening at the sight. 

She let out a shallow breath while taking a step back. Her hands quivering and her confidence wavering.

You have to trust them.

"Y/N..." Mina stepped forward her eyes locked on the H/C haired girl. 

The silhouette that once covered Mina vanished in a second once she neared Y/N. Once the girl saw Mina's eyes she knew that there was no escape. But she had to trust them. 

Mina's gaze didn't waver or weaken or quiver. She walked straight on without hesitation. But this terrified Y/N more than anything. So instead of trusting the pink haired girl-

Y/N was mentally preparing for it. 

For a scream. 

She was prepared to be mocked or shamed. She knew deep down it was coming so the only thing the girl could do was stare while attempting to swallow the pain forming in her throat.

"Who told you your purpose was to keep the balance" The girl blinked trying to comprehend if she heard those words right. Out of everything Mina heard that was her one question. Y/N choked back on her words.

"Mina-" The shocked girl held her breath as Mina inched forward expecting a punch to the face. But while she waited for it- it never came. Y/N was engulfed in a hug instead. 

"They were so dead wrong Y/N- They were so so wrong" Y/N could feel Mina's iron grip on her shirt while the pink haired girl sobbed.

"No one should have to go through that- no one-"  Relaxing a bit Y/N wrapped her arms around the girl. All Y/N could feel was the cold but now she found warmth. 


"Please don't believe-"

"Don't believe you have to carry that heavy burden on yourself" The world went quiet. No one. No one ever said those words to Y/N. It was something she ever considered. It was something she needed to hear. She froze at the words, looking around one more times to make sure she wasn't dreaming. To make sure she real what she was hearing was real. 

Her eyes scanned over the faces and all she got were sad smiles. Her eyes glanced at Bakugou who had a small smile to offer. 

Out of nowhere the tears started to build up like the sprinkle of rain before a rain shower. They welled up in her eyes before finally pouring out.

Her sobs surprising everyone in the room, her hands holding Mina a little tighter like she would disappear if she ever let go.

"Y/N life would not be normal without you" 

The H/C haired girl never considered herself to have had a proper family or people who cared about her ever. But in the moment in Mina's arms. She realized that this was a close as she'd ever get.


"Aizawa I'm sorry" Y/N said bowing in front of her awe struck teacher. He finally let out a breath of relief. One he's been holding ever since Y/N disappeared. When she straightened back up she scanned the bandages on his body. His body was full of them. From head to toe he was wrapped severely. 

A pit in her stomach awakened at the sight. The memories of USJ returning. But before she could fully feel bad a hand was placed on her head.

"You did good kid. I'm glad you're back" He huffed out. Deep down he was worried. His injuries were the least of his worries when he found out Y/N disappeared. Throughout this whole time he had been treating her like a real villain but the thought that she's just a teenager kept slipping his mind.

He knew that if she fully disappeared after USJ he would never forgive himself.

Once he retook his hand an almost awkward silence consumed the air.

"So we're not talking about this again?" Aizawa nodded before Y/N started to walk away.

"I forgot. Do you want to talk about your punishments for  running away now or later?" Y/N froze.

"AH- I think I hear Mina calling me" She quickly blurted out before she ran out of the classroom. But just before she peaked her head back in.

"I'm glad I'm back too Mr. Aizawa" 

A/N : the jury has spoken I'll continue this story as is. LOL. I'm being fr tho if you guys have advice about my writing just let me know and I'll do my best to listen. Sorry about this  chapter I'll try to make sure it only gets better from here ;)

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