chapter 26

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"You're going to be participating in the Sports festival." Aizawa spoke while Y/N slowly packed her bag in the empty classroom.

"Funny" She laughed while placing her note book in her bag. But it was silent. Too silent. Not the joking silent. 

She looked up trying to figure out what he was on and was greeted by a serious expression.

"No. No I'm not" She choked out.

"The principal thinks it'd be a good idea to show the public that you're still a student" His voice was flat and clear.

"It's going to show the public that I'm just relaxing after all I did," She swallowed on her words. Only imagining the way people would react. Only imagining the scared look on their faces.

But she pushed that image down.

"They're going to think I'm not receiving any punishment," She continued grabbing her bag.

"Well some maybe. But we need to make you look normal as possible," She paused at his words again.

"Has that ever been possible?" He almost sighed at her interruption. 

"This isn't something we can debate"

"You're just going to be in the last part of the sports festival and that's it" She eyed him suspiciously before slinging her bag over her shoulder. 

"The catch"  She started. "There's always a catch to these types of thing."  There was silence before he spoke up.

"You can't use your quirk until finals"


Y/N was walking down the long stretched halls going back when she passed a trophy case. She scoffed looking at the achievements of the sports festival. Aren't Hero's supposed to be super selfless a sarcastic thought ran through her head while she scanned over everything. 

Pictures and medals were laid out so uniformed and the light was perfectly displayed on one black and white image of a trio. 

Two very large guys and a teenage girl. One guys was smiling with a trophy in one hand but his eyes were on the girl in the middle who had really pretty dimples.  

She had both arms wrapped around the guys pulling them closer and the guy on the right. He had spiky hair and what looked like light eyes. He looked familiar. 

"That was the big three," A voice behind her rang out. She turned to see an old librarian pushing a cart of books.

"The girl won the sports festival every year. The boy on the left came second every year and the boy on the right came third every year," She smiled a little reminiscing on something.

Y/N re looked at the picture. "They got the podium every year but they aren't big in the hero world" she mumbled under her breath.

"Yeah it's a shame what happened to them" The librarian sighed the little smile on her face disappearing. Killed or missing? Y/N thought eyeing the lady.

"Well the boy on the right he's a known hero now."

"But the girl and the boy on the left went rogue and ended up getting killed by their own competence" Y/N looked at them both closely. 

"What were their names?" The Liberian's eyes softened. 

"The girl's name was Hina Kamiyama she was said to have the angel quirk but it was never confirmed" Y/N's eyes widdened. The angel quirk was a myth. It was said to be one of the most powerful quirk in the world. Powerful enough to over power any quirk that tried to harm the user. 

Y/N never even believed it could be real.

"The boy's name was Natsuki Fukumoto and he was legendary. He was one of the most powerful kids to enter this place,"

"It's upsetting to see what power does to people"

Y/N stared at the image for what felt like a second when the librarian spoke up. "Come with me, I'll show you more," She said pushing the cart.

Y/N scratched her head wondering what possessed the old lady to show her.

"Your eyes speak for yourself sometimes dear" Y/N blinked trailing behind the old woman wondering what she saw in her eyes.

When they got to the library the old lady shuffled to her desk and going into a backroom before pulling out a very large yearbook.  Y/N cringed when the book hit the counter and the dust consumed the room.

The lady licked her finger before flipping the pages to show a class picture. "I think the boy was in love with the girl," The librarian spoke turning the page to candid picture.

"I mean look at him" The Natsuki boy was staring at the Hina the girl in every picture. The librarian huffed a little.

"Let me see if I can find a better quality photo" The librarian shuffled back to the back room away from the black and white yearbook before shuffling back with a photo album.

Y/N smiled softly at the very passionate librarian. Watching as her eyes scanned the yearbook. 

"Ah, it's not the big three but here's a coloured picture of them" The librarian slowly turned the book to Y/N.

And the time stopped.

At least for Y/N it did. 

Not only did she see Natsuki had the same skin colour and eyes as herself and Hina shared the same H/C hair but she also saw a younger version of the lady that taught her everything.


A/N : silly

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