chapter 25

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"As you all know, as a class we've dealt with a few rough patches within just the first month," 

Aizawa's voice projected through the classroom filled with the soft glow of morning sunlight streaming through the windows.

"As your teacher, I am pleased to see that you all are healthy and well," He continued further with a speech he had meticulously prepared the night before in an attempt to motivate the students further. He had the class's undivided attention for two reasons. One, of course, was the speech itself-

"I hope you continue to take care of yourselves and those around you," he added, his tone carrying a genuine concern that resonated with the students. 

The second reason for their focus was the fact that he was still covered in bandages from the recent incident.

'You should speak for yourself,' thought all of the students, causing a collective sweatdrop to form as Aizawa limped over from his desk to stand in front of the class. 

Most of them were almost recovered from the incident at USJ, but there was still a slight undercurrent of fear lingering within them after experiencing a glimpse of the real world.

"In the meanwhile, you will be sent to vigorous training immediately as we will be preparing for the sports festival in a week." Aizawa's announcement caused the class to blink once, then twice.

"I will be expecting you to be ready and at the fields in a few minutes," he concluded before turning and limping out of the classroom, leaving the students to contemplate his words. 

Did I mention they were almost recovered?

Y/N was seated as the class began to file out, huffing in frustration as she glanced outside before pushing herself off her seat. However, a sudden throb ran through her head, momentarily taking her breath away. 

Don't trust anyone  a voice rang out in her head like an alarm. Her ears ringing.

It wasn't long before the sound of fire crackling and the acrid smell of smoke seemed to consume the air around her, suffocating her senses.

Her hands desperately grasped at the table as she attempted to stand up again, only to fall back down in a state of confusion and fear. Her eyes darted frantically back and forth as the room filled up with dark smoke.

"Y/N," a voice rang out from far away, sounding familiar. Teach-

Her head swivelled in search of the source of the voice, and then she heard it again, closer this time.

"Y/N," Bakugou's voice. Her heart calmed slightly at the sound of his voice, like a lifeline in the chaos.

The blond was crouched in front of her, his concern evident in his piercing red eyes. "Blondy," she voiced out, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. The anxiety that had been gripping her slowly began to ebb away.

Her eyes scanned the room again, and to her astonishment, there was no smoke, no fire—she was safe. She was going to be okay.

Bakugou's intense gaze remained locked on her as he assessed her condition in the silence that followed. The comfortable silence gradually grew awkward, a testament to the fact that they hadn't spoken in two days. 

Perhaps it was Y/N's fault for avoiding the vulnerability she had revealed to Bakugou, or maybe it was Bakugou's fault for retreating after letting her see his softer side, a side he had hidden so well from everyone else.

They both flinched slightly, inching away from the emotional precipice they had approached. Bakugou stood up, leaning against a nearby desk with his arms crossed, letting out an impatient huff. 

"What was that?"

"I—" Y/N began, but her voice trailed off, her eyes dropping to her feet.

"Nothing. It was..." Her head shook, and Bakugou took note of her trembling hands. "Nothing—"

"No," he interrupted, never taking his eyes off her as she sat there, seemingly lost in her thoughts.

"We don't do that," he barked out. "Not anymore." Her brows furrowed in confusion, and she looked up at him, her eyes softened by his concerned look.

"What—" she began, but once again, he cut her off.

"We don't push people away," he clarified firmly. "Tell me. What happened?" She opened her mouth to respond but then hesitated.

"I'm not pushing you away," she finally spoke, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "But" She swallowed harshly "I'll save it for another time. Aizawa is going to kill us both if we don't go." She stood up, brushing off her skirt, and looked at Bakugou.

His intense gaze continued to scrutinize her for a moment longer before he pushed off the desk and nodded. "I'm not forgetting about it, shithead."

"Yeah, yeah. I know you won't," Y/N replied, walking ahead while Bakugou trailed behind her.

She kept her head held high, concealing the small smile that Bakugou had managed to coax out of her with his unexpected show of concern.

A/N : I considered it. And posted it. And now it's up. I might consider writing another chapter. Just maybe. 

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