chapter 2

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Y/N's eyes opened, the feeling of her hands restrained registering. Panic filled her mind as she tried to yank her arms out of the chains and stand up out of the chair. 

The thought of teleporting out of the blank room crossed her mind but she quickly realized Eraser-Head beat her too it again as he stood in the corner of the blank room.

"Give me back my fucking quirk" her voice was desperate, it sounded like a plea out for help hidden as a demand. The dull man could feel her pain in her voice.  

"You're not in a good position to be demanding things" a voice in front of her stated. 

Turning her head in front of her, she took a closer look and saw a bear-mouse sitting on a chair with a cup of tea. Her eyes widened, shocked she didn't see the being earlier. 

"We know you're not a bad person-" the mouse started.

"Then why am I chained to a chair? You're full of shit" the girls head dropped her hair falling in front of her face. A little smile on her face realizing that it was over. There was no way she could get out of this situation. She officially hit rock bottom.

But the worst thing about any of this was that she wasn't the villain here. She was doing everything she could to get justice and create peace. She was doing all of the work that the heroes were too much of a pussy to do. 

Frustration and confusion rushed through her head. The world dizzy around her.

"Kid listen to him" the man spoke up from the corner.

Looking up to get a look at Eraser-Head the owner of the voice, her eyes glared daggers at him. Taking a good look at her, Eraser-head came to realize that beyond her hair draped over her face was her eyes which glowed red.

'I thought I took her quirk already' The man thought staring at her. 

"Give me one good reason why I should even consider listening to- him?" the corner of her lips were tilted up and her words were drenched in venom.

"We want to give you a chance. After finding out that you were a teenager we believe you could benefit going to our school. Perhaps that maybe you could be a valuable hero." The mouse-bear interjected, sipping on his tea before continuing. 

"Not to mention that if you do decided to decline you will be thrown in Tartarus since you've proven yourself a danger" the smile on Y/N's face slowly fell off her face and transferred to the face of the animal in front of her.

A sigh left the girls mouth as she accepted her fate.

"Sounds fun but there's no point of me going into your classes. I've learned the whole school system years ago. But good effort" she mumbled. Eraser-Head watched her eyes turn back to their usual e/c colour. 

"What if I told you that you weren't joining the class to learn the curriculum but act as a body guard for one of the main classes?" The bear-mouse's statement interested the h/c haired girl. 

"From recent intel, we've been informed that a group called the LOV is targeting our beloved 1-A class. If this class is wiped out, it could cause a great imbalance to our society" Y/N's heard about the LOV. But never could find them. This could be a good opportunity for her to stop them while she had the chance.

Not to mention that the mouse-bear was right. If a generation of heroes were wiped out, villains would run the streets. 

But the thought of being in that class taunted her. It was almost as bad as going to Tartarus. 

She laughed a little. Thinking that these were going to be her last moments before getting locked in a cage with brats.

"Fine. But I do have a few conditions." 

"You're in a really tough spot right now and you decide to demand more?" The animal questioned interested in her attitude.

"Well you're in a tough spot as well no? I mean if, I don't know... I don't except this deal and decide to go to Tartarus, it will be extremely difficult to find someone else who's had experience eliminating targets and learned how to not mix personal feeling in with a mission" He playfully laughed at the girls statement. 

"I guess you're right. I have conditions as well but I would love to hear yours first"

"I need information about each student in that class and full access to the school files." she stated clearly.

"I can see what I can do but I would like to warn you that I have more conditions"

"You will have to be living in the school dorms, you have a 10:00 pm curfew on weekdays and will be under supervision of Eraser-Head, but you can call him Mr. Aizawa"

"Sir-" The dull man tried to interject but was interrupted by the girl chained in the chair.

"Fine," Aizawa deadpanned as the two figures were completely ignoring him.

"When do I start?" Y/N added tilting her head a little.

"You're getting a little ahead of yourself, I haven't been informed of your name" the mouse-bear smiled as he sipped his tea. 

"Well I haven't been informed of yours" she snarked back smiling a smile right back at him.

"I'm Nezu the Principal of U.A"

"Y/N. It's nice to do business with you"

A/N: pov you have to finish 2 more chapters in one day because you're going on a vacation where there's no wifi :')

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