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There once was a girl named Y/N, she was born in a cruel, cruel world. Full of monsters and an unjust system. Her parents weren't there for her childhood, instead a woman of different blood took care of her.

This woman was fully aware of this unjust world and did her best to prepare Y/N.

So Y/N wasn't given a regular childhood full of toys and rainbows but instead was given a sword, sparring matches and the burden of the reality of the world.

While the other kids called their guardian mom and dad, she was told to call her guardian "Teach" .

At a very young age Y/N was taught that her quirk was dangerous. She saw it first hand as she lost control for the first time.

Her quirk was a hybrid between energy manipulation and teleportation, and was extremely dangerous in many different ways. It was dangerous for the people around her and dangerous for herself. The quirk was like a double edge sword.

In short, she couldn't create energy, she could only manipulate it. Which means if she wanted to blast anyone with energy she would have to take it from her energy source. This leads to extremely big fatigue waves.

Then there was the teleportation part of her quirk. When she teleported it made her extremely nauseous.

Knowing the drawbacks her teacher taught her Karate, Jujitsu, Aikido, Judo, Hapkido, Kung fu, Capoeira, Krav-Maga and many more martial arts.

The teacher taught her the art of pressure points and the effects it had on others.

Y/N adored her teacher in many ways. Though the training was rough her teacher always showed care for Y/N. Which helped create Y/N's loving nature.

It was too bad that that loving nature was erased when the heroes burned her teacher to death.

But of course this was just the beginning of the life of Y/N.

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