chapter 12

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Y/N finished quickly before putting her plate down in the sink. The screams of Kirishima caught her attention.

When she looked to where the red head was, she spotted Kirishima and Denki playing something to do with bowling.

Curious, she walked to the couch they were at and sat down behind them watching.

"WHAT I SWEAR I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN A STRIKE DID YOU SEE THAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET A STRIKE" the yellow haired looking boy screamed while Kirishima laughed.

Kirishima finally noticed Y/N who was staring down the replay of Denki's missed strike.

"Y/N want to play?" Kirishima asked

"Sure" she said surprising herself and the others. All eyes were on her now.

Kirishima mentally celebrated before handing over a Wii remote and tightening it around her wrist. Bakugou silently watched her from afar. Noting her movements and body language- the way she subtly backed up to Kirishima getting so close.

After the red head finished teaching her how the controls worked they restarted the game. Kirishima went first, he ended up getting a spare then Denki went and got 9 pins then a gutter ball which pissed him off. Then finally Y/N went.

She lined the ball up and the swung her arm. The ball rolled right between the middle and the right pin and the words strike appeared on the screen. It went quiet.

Then Y/N's laughter filled the room. Then everyone started to realize Y/N was laughter was aimed at Denki who looked completely shocked. The class joined in laughing and Bakugou crossed his arms his lips turning the slightest bit upwards. But when Mina looked his way he returned to his grump expression.


The two competed fiercely while Kirishima just played for fun and Y/N ended up winning.

The girls laughed at Denki who pouted and Y/N who smirked down at him before the girls pulled her aside to show the videos they took of her. Denki and Kirishima hiding in the back.

Y/N relaxed around them. It was the first time she relaxed in a while. She felt... safe, she felt like for once she didn't need to put on a mask.

'Maybe aizawa was right.. making friends during this mission isn't such a bad idea' Y/N thought as everyone said goodnight.


After watching Howl's Moving Castle she got hungry. But when she looked at the clock is was 2 in the morning... But she still was hungry so she left to the kitchen.

She opened the door and there was not a single sound around the dorms. But she was used to it so it was okay.

She got to the kitchen but Y/N was so tired she didn't realize someone was following her.

"Nothing in the fridge... maybe-"

"what are you doing?"

She looked behind her and saw Bakugou. Rolling her eyes she turn back to the fridge.

"I'm building a space ship. what does it look like i'm doing?" she retorted while finding a bag of chips.

"Wow so you ate barely anything at dinner but then have a little snack fest and 2am?"

"Shut up why are you up this late"

"Well I'm the door in front of you so it was easy to hear you walk out"

"Wow Blondy's a light sleeper?"


There was a silence. Then Y/N offered him a candy bar but he declined. Bakugou's eyes were stuck on her again. It seemed to be a growing habit. He was even more confused. She seemed so relaxed. She was laughing. Smiling.

It was weird but she seemed- happy.

"What happened to you?" he asked very confused.

"What do you mean?" she replied with a piece of chocolate in her mouth.

"Why are you so happy now? Like you actually have emotions?" he said plainly

She froze and he got worried that he said something wrong. But instead she turned to him with a smile.

"I'm not alone- anymore" she flashed one more smile before turning back to her food. He was quiet, trying to take in her sentence. 

"You're so fucking weird"

"And you're so fucking creepy. Are you just going to stand there watching me?"

"I- nevermind just go to bed soon shit head" he said before walking off.

She gave him a quick nod before returning to her food. Change was definitely coming and this time she was ready for it.

A/N : more fun stuff coming up soon :D

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