chapter 14

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Y/N slowly walked into the class.

"Y/N WHERE WERE YOU WE WERE SO WORRIED" Mina jumping on the girl.

Momo saw her face. She looked disappointed. Bakugou also noticed and a pit grew in his stomach.

Aizawa scanned the girl and noticed it as well but decided to deal with it after.

"Can we start the lesson now?" Aizawa said as the girl walked to her desk.

Y/N sunk back into her seat. The green haired boy in front of her turned to her.

"Y/N are you okay?" He asked but when she lifted her head to face him. Her eyes where filled with anger. Just pure anger.

Midoriya shivered.

"N-nevermind" he said turning back around to face Aizawa. He started to bite his nail,

'what happened to her?'

After class Y/N didn't head back to the dorms. Aizawa did his best to catch up to her.

"Where are you going?" Aizawa asked behind her as she reached the door to the school.

"I'm going to clear my mind" she said before teleporting to the U.A gate. Anger fulled her. Giving enough energy to teleport twice. She leaned against the gate catching her breath before walking out.

Aizawa shook his head. He wasn't worried she would leave U.A because he knew she wouldn't leave her new friends and costume and sword.

Y/N made her way to the beach that her warehouse was originally at. Before she left to live at U.A she would train at the beach for hours blasting trees as target practice and occasionally taking the energy of the trees- leaving them as piles of ash.

Once she put down her stuff she took her shirt off leaving her in her sports bra and shorts.

She used an energy blast to push herself up as fast as she could and when she went past the clouds she let herself free fall. 

She memorized the smirk on the man's face. She remembered that she couldn't do anything. She realized she was too slow. She realized she had been slacking off. 

Pure anger, frustration, grief and regret settled in her. While in the air she blasted one of the spots on the sand then continued to fall. 

When she was almost and the ground she teleported to the spot she blasted. Everything was dizzy but she there was so much frustration she tried again. Pushing herself up as high as possible before free falling. As she was dropping she attempted to blast a new spot in the sand but this time it was weaker.

The girl near the ground and did her best to picture the spot and use the anger- But her body was over used. 

She didn't manage to teleport and fell on her back. The air was knocked out of her. She wheezed and turned to her side.

She felt so many emotions at once. But they all turned to anger. She stood up and went to the tree her stuff was leaning on and punched it- she punched it again creating a dent. Then once more making it fall to the ground.

She placed a hand on the tree removing the energy and then blasted the same energy at another. And another. And another and another.  

And another tree.

And another one. 

By the time she was finished and there were no more trees to blast it was dark out. She was dizzy. Winded. And there was a pain... Everywhere.

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