chapter 8

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"You're a natural with a knife Y/N" Mitsuki mumbled looking over Y/N's shoulder with a smile. The girl sweat dropped, gulping hard.

"Haha thanks" she chuckled off focusing on the peppers she was cutting. 

"Okay since we're almost done I'll get the little shit" The blond lady sighed before cracking her knuckles. While turning to the stairs she sighed for the second time.

"Hey be nice" Her husband gave her a sympathetic look and she shook her head yes. 

"KATSUKI GET YER ASS DOWN HERE" Y/N froze, her eyes widened just a bit and if you listened hard enough you would say her heart stopped beating.

"CALM DOWN YOU OLD HAG I'M COMING" She prayed she was dreaming. Maybe it's another angry-




But when the same blond boy from her class stepped down the stairs all of her hopes and dreams were shattered. He looked at the girl as she intensely stared at the half cut pepper in front of her and Bakugou's breathing stopped. 

A part of his breathing stopped because the sight in front of him was so abnormal. 

Y/N was wearing an apron and her hair was tucked behind her ear and her face was relaxed, not  scowling like usual. Not to mention the warm light from the kitchen perfectly lit her- she looked... pretty. 

But the other part of his breathing stopped because why the fuck was she doing in his house. First she showed up to his school and now she stood in the kitchen. That pissed him off so much it canceled out the thoughts of her being pretty. 

"You're shitting me" The blond boy blinked hoping she'd disappear. 

"Language" Masaru chimed from the couch, flipping the news paper in his hands.

"Why the fuck is she here" Y/N turned to face him fully and Bakugou could feel the daggers Y/N's eyes were sending him.  

"I was invited Blondy" She snarked back putting her best effort to sound polite because his parents were in the room. But those efforts quickly vanished as she spoke. 

"You guys know each other?" Mitsuki asked looking between the two before pushing Bakugou to the dinner table.

"We go to the same school" Y/N stated taking off her apron and placing it on the pantry doorknob. 

"You go to U.A?" The two parents asked as the H/C haired girl took a seat in the only seat left- beside Bakugou.

"Yup" She smiled at the two. Bakugou side eyed her making sure this was the same Y/N that he had met before.

"That's amazing. maybe she'll rub off on you" Mitsuki mumbled before passing napkins around.

"She's great you should stick around her" Masaru stated before saying a quick thank you to Mitsuki.

"Tch" Bakugou rolled his eyes before they all said a thank you for the food. 

Dinner rolled on and little conversations were made. Mostly by Mistuki and Masaru but it was comfortable. Well.. Comfortable for all but one. Bakugou.

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