𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 20- 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬.

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It was the middle of the night and (y/n) was fast asleep. One of her legs were bent on top of Levi's and her other leg was straight. She was snoring and her hair was in her face, her typical bed head.

Levi was awake and staring at the ceiling while listening to (y/n) snore. He was relaxed. It brought him comfort to know she was peacefully sleeping, he always hoped she had pleasant dreams.

He looked over at her, seeing her mouth open and drool seeping out. Her eyes were gently closed and she looked so peaceful, so serene.

He noticed her (h/c) hair in her face so he lifted his arm to her hair. He brushed the hair out of her face and behind her ear.

Her position changed. She rolled over and cuddled up to him. Her snores halted briefly and Levi feared he had awoken her. He adjusted the blanket over both of them and sighed when she began to snore again.

He wondered what she was dreaming about. He hoped she was having a pleasant dream about the two of them.

Flashback Over.
Your POV:

I can't remember my parents. For all I know, they aren't even them. This could be some sort of trap. It is odd that they happened to recognize me too. It had to have been over 14 years since they had seen me last.

They weren't a part of my life so why do they want to see me now? I have to search for Levi I don't have time for some family bonding time.

"Sorry (y/n)" Luculia whispered to me, we were walking behind the older couple.

"For what?"

"I probably should've consulted before making this decision for you. I'm not sure what happened exactly with your parents so I'm sorry for just blurting an answer."

"No need to apologize. We can be quick, Levi is waiting."

"Oh, right."

When we got to their cottage it was well decorated and the layout was the same as the Jaeger's home. The fire in the living room brought warmth to the whole house.

"Sit my dears, I'll make some tea."

"I can assist you, I'm quite good at making tea." I followed behind her to the kitchen as Luculia sat down in the sofa.

"That would be wonderful...?"


"What a pretty name, it suits you."

Aren't mother's supposed to know their children's name? Did she ever name me?

I grabbed the tea kettle off the counter and opened the lid so I could fill it with water.

"I see you're a scout now, but how?"

"Commander Erwin took the four of us out of the underground."


"Levi, Isabel, Farlan and I. Levi and Farlan took me in after the clan was caught."

"Sorry for prying hun, but may I ask who the clan were?"

If Farlan or Levi were here they'd say she's a nosy bitch.

"After you left me in the underground they found me and took me. They experimented on me and made me train for them, not teaching me any communication skills or how to do anything but fight. After training hours they'd isolate me, they'd give me baths and food but always kept me chained up." I filled the water and set it on the stove. All three of them were staring at me.

"Am I doing something wrong? I apologize if I wasn't supposed to use the stove."

The old lady wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh (y/n)! I didn't know that, I'm so sorry! I'm truly a horrible mother. Is that why you're so quiet and proper, because it's been engraved into your head? If I would've known I would've saved you."

"All do respect ma'am, why did you abandon (y/n) in the first place?" Luculia asked. She was visibly mad.

I never cared to meet my parents, even now I feel nothing for them. They're just two old people who've made their way into my life at the worst time.

My mother released me from her embrace and cleared her throat.

"To get here. We wouldn't have any of the things here on the surface that we do now if I didn't leave (y/n) behind. She was a sacrifice to get these wonderful thing."

"So you don't regret it? Leaving your daughter behind to achieve things here on the surface and leaving her to fend for herself? Why would you start a family if you couldn't keep it?"

The lady looked away, a pout on her face. Luculia marched over and grabbed the tea kettle out of my hands. She gently set it down on the stove then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house.

"Thank you for your time! We have to get back to training" Luculia waved with her free hand, I held onto the necklace around my neck.

"Phew, (y/n) at first I was jealous your parents are still around but now that I've met them I'm not so envious" Luculia shook her head.

"Sorry, if you want to stay we can I just thought-"

"Thank you Luculia, i don't think it's necessary to stay we have to continue our search."

"That's right, what's next on the agenda."

"We've talked to Grisha. Now we know that Levi is most likely hiding in the house he told us about. All we have to do is find a Garrison soldier to sneak us out of the walls."

"Okay! We'll do that next, we only have a few more hours so we need to hurry if we don't want to get in trouble."

𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐝 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞.  Where stories live. Discover now